The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosures and reporting requirements. A disclosure requirement is an information that a postsecondary education institution is required to distribute or make available to another party, such as students or employees. A reporting requirement is information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education or other agencies. Disclosure and reporting requirements sometimes overlap. For certain topics, institutions are required to make information available to students or others and to submit information to the Department of Education.

黑料网 is committed to the principle of promoting access to information that will allow consumers such as students, parents, counselors, researchers, and legislators to make informed decisions about postsecondary education. This web portal provides a single access point to all federally mandated reports and disclosures. This information is provided to all enrolled students via email.

Educational Program

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(A) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(G) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)(G)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(G)(iv). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d), 34 CFR 668.43

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.43)

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about the academic program of the institution, including

    • current degree programs and other educational and training programs;
    • instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to the academic program;
    • faculty and other instructional personnel; and
    • any plans by the institution for improving the academic program. 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Publicly disclosed

    HEOA Sec. 488(g) amended HEA Sec. 485 (20 U.S.C. 1092): added HEA Sec. 485(h) HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    Each institution must publicly disclose information about the institution's policies regarding the transfer of credit earned at another higher education institution, including, at a minimum

    • any established criteria the institution uses; and
    • a list of institutions with which the institution has established an articulation agreement. (See also "Consumer Information on College Navigator Website" for transfer of credit policy reporting requirement.) 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec.


    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (added 34 CFR 668.43(a)(10))

    Institutions must annually make available to current and prospective students the institution's policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement, including

    • a statement that explicitly informs students that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities;
    • a summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws*; and
    • the institution's policies with respect to unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including disciplinary actions taken against students who engage in [illegal downloading or] unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution's information technology system. 

    [*The Department of Education will publish in the Federal Student Aid Handbook (see page 10) a summary of the civil and criminal penalties for violation of federal copyright laws.] 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link:  

  • How Disclosed: Provide report to general public 

    HEOA Sec. 201 amended HEA Title II, Part A: new HEA Sec. 205-208 (20 U.S.C. 1022d-1022g). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008 

    Each institution must provide a report annually to the state and to the general public. The states submit to the Department of Education, and make available to the public, an annual report containing institutional and state-level information. The Department makes the state reports available to the public. 

    The institutional reports include 

    • goals*鈭 information about whether goals have been met, activities implemented to achieve goals, and steps taken to improve performance in meeting goals; assurances** 鈭 description of activities the institution has implemented to meet assurances;
    • pass rates and scaled scores for the most recent year for which information is available on assessments used by the state for teacher certification or licensure that have been taken by students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program and students who have completed the program during the prior 2 years***;
    • program information 鈭 admission criteria; enrollment disaggregated by race, ethnicity, and gender; average number of hours of supervised clinical experience; number of full-time-equivalent faculty and students in the supervised clinical experience; total number of students who have been certified or licensed as teachers, disaggregated by subject and area of certification or licensure;
    • statement of approval or accreditation of program (if required by the state);
    • whether the state has designated the program as low-performing;
    • description of activities that prepare teachers to effectively use technology in instruction and to collect, manage, and analyze data; and description of activities that prepare teachers to teach effectively students with disabilities and students who have limited English proficiency.

    * Goals: The institution must set annual quantifiable goals for increasing the number of prospective teachers trained in teacher shortage areas designated by the Department or by the state education agency.

    **Assurances: The institution must provide assurances to the Department of Education regarding training related to identified needs of local education agencies or states and the needs of schools, training of special education teachers, training in providing instruction to diverse populations, and training to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable.

    ***If a program has fewer than 10 scores reported on any assessment during an academic year, the average pass rate and scaled scores shall be provided for a 3-year period.

    The Department of Education is required to prescribe regulations to ensure the reliability, validity, integrity, and accuracy of the data submitted in institution and state reports.

    For more information: 


    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: This made available via the KSU website.

    An institution that participates in the Federal student aid programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, must be authorized to operate by the State(s) where it is located (See 34 CFR 600.9). There are two basic requirements for an institution to be considered legally authorized by the State for Title IV funding eligibility purposes:

    • The State must authorize an institution by name to operate educational programs beyondsecondary education. This requirement applies to all institutions, but the way compliance isdetermined depends on the type of postsecondary institution being authorized; an
    • The State must have a process applicable to all institutions, except tribal and Federalinstitutions, to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution,including enforcement of applicable State laws.

    The requirement for a State to have a process to review and act upon student complaints is distinct from the process a State has to authorize an institution by name to operate educational programs beyond secondary education.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Notice is distributed to each enrolled student and each prospective student via the web. 

    34 CFR 668.6(b)(2)(iv) 

    The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges and universities to disclose a variety of information for any financial aid eligible program that 鈥減repares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.鈥 The information noted below is a list of each gainful employment program at 黑料网 that has been deemed eligible for Federal Title IV aid (if eligibility criteria are met). We hope that this information is helpful to our current students and to prospective students as they make their career and educational choices. 

    Graduate Certificates:

    1. Graduate Certificate in Communications Management
    2. Graduate Certificate in Technical Communications
    3. Graduate Certificate in Visual Communication and Graphics
    4. Graduate Certificate in Business Continuity
    5. Graduate Certificate in Information Security
    6. Professional Certificate in Programming
    7. Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
    8. Graduate Transition Certificate in Computer Science
    9. Graduate Certificate in Special Education
    10. Educational Leadership 鈥 Certificate Only
    11. Gifted Endorsement Certificate
    12. Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    13. Online Teaching Certificate
    14. Online Teaching Endorsement Certificate
    15. Teacher Leader Endorsement Certificate
    16. Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Ethics
    17. ESOL Endorsement Certificate
    18. Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering
    19. Advanced Graduate Certificate in System Engineering
    20. Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering
    21. Graduate Certificate in Quality
    22. Graduate Green Belt Certificate in Quality
    23. Professional Certificate in Specialty Construction
    24. Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design
    25. Professional Certificate in Project Management (Construction)

    Undergraduate Certificates: 

    1. Professional Certificate in Land Development
    2. Certificate in Production Design
    3. Certificate in Quality Principles
    4. Land Surveying Certificate
    5. Certificate in Apparel Product Development
    6. Certificate in Logistics 

    Special Certificate Programs: 

    1. Academy for Inclusive Learning and Social Growth (CTP) 

    Status: In Compliance 

General Institutional Information

  • Disclosed: Any means reasonably likely to inform students of their rights 

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)), 20 U.S.C. 1232g. Not changed by HEOA. 34 CFR 668.41(c), 34 CFR Part 99 

    Each institution must annually provide a notice to all enrolled students about 

    • the right to review their education records, to request amendment of records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the Department of Education;
    • procedures for reviewing education records and requesting amendment of the records; and
    • if applicable, information about the institution's policy regarding disclosures to school officials with a legitimate educational interest in the education records. 

    In order to disclose directory information without prior consent, an institution must provide to students a notice of directory information that includes

    • the types of information the institution has designated as directory information; and
    • the student's right to refuse to allow any or all such information about the student to be designated as directory information, and the time period the student has for notifying the institution in writing. 

    For more information:  

    Model Notification of Rights:  

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link to: Confidentiality of Education Records (FERPA) 

  • How Disclosed: Made available on the institution鈥檚 website. The URL for the institution鈥檚 website is reported to NCES in IPEDS for posting on College Navigator website. 

    HEOA Sec. 111 amended HEA Title I, Part C: added HEA 132(i)(1)(V) (20 U.S.C. 1015a(i)(1)(V))

    The Department of Education is required to post 26 items on the College Navigator website for each institution, including a link to the institution's website that provides 鈥渋n an easily accessible manner鈥

    • student activities offered by the institution;
    • services offered by the institution for individuals with disabilities;
    • career and placement services offered to students during and after enrollment; and
    • policies of the institution related to transfer of credit from other institutions. (See also 

    "Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities", and "Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements".)

    Note: The URL for the institution鈥檚 website is collected in the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics Survey (IC).

    For more information:  

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)-(2) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)-(2)). Not changed by HEOA. 34 CFR 668.41(a)(d), 34 CFR 668.43

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.43, added 34 CFR 668.231)

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about facilities and services available to students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities (as defined in 34 CFR 668.231). (See also "Consumer Information on College Navigator Website" for related reporting requirement.)

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec.


    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information about student body diversity, including the percentage of enrolled, full-time students who

    • are male;
    • are female;
    • are a self-identified member of a major racial or ethnic group; and receive a Federal Pell Grant. 

    Note: The race/ethnicity and the gender data are collected in the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey. Information about Pell Grant recipients is collected for the prior year in the IPEDS Student Financial Aid Survey.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)-(2) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)-(2)). Not changed by HEOA. 34 CFR 668.41(a) (d), 34 CFR 668.43

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about the price of attendance, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation costs, and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made publicly available on the institution's website by approximately October 2011

    HEOA Sec. 111 amended HEA Title I, Part C: added HEA Sec. 132(a), Sec. 132(h) (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a), 20 U.S.C. 1015a(h))

    Institutions must make available on their websites a net price calculator within 2 years after the Department of Education makes available a template (approximately October 2009). The institution may use the Department template or develop a customized version that must include, at a minimum, the same elements as the Department's version.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)-(2) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)-(2)). Not changed by HEOA. 34 CFR 668.41(a)(d), 34 CFR 668.43

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about

    • the institution's refund policy;
    • requirements and procedures for official withdrawal; and
    • requirements for return of Title IV, HEA grant or loan aid 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Internet Course Schedule 

    HEOA Sec. 112 amended HEA Title I, Part C: added HEA Sec. 133 (20 U.S.C. 1015b) HEOA amendment effective July 1, 2010 

    Each institution must disclose, on the institution's Internet course schedule used for preregistration and registration purposes, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and retail price information of required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed, to the extent the disclosure of the information is determined to be 鈥減racticable.鈥 If the ISBN is not available, the institution must include in the Internet course schedule the author, title, publisher, and copyright date for the textbook or supplemental material, or, if applicable, the designation 鈥淭o Be Determined.鈥 If applicable, the institution must include on the institution's written course schedule a notice that textbook information is available on the Internet course schedule and the Internet address for the schedule. 

    Upon the request of a college bookstore operated by or affiliated with the institution, the institution must make available as soon as practicable the most accurate information available regarding 

    • the institution's course schedule for the subsequent academic period;
    • the information provided for students (see above) regarding required or
    • recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course or class;
    • the number of students enrolled in each course or class; and the maximum student enrollment for each course or class. 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media 

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students 

    • names of associations, agencies, or governmental bodies that accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs; and
    • procedures for obtaining or reviewing documents describing accreditation, approval, or licensing. 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • The report must include, for the preceding year

    • the number of male and the number of female full-time undergraduates enrolled;
    • unduplicated head count of participants on at least one varsity team, by gender;
    • list of the varsity teams that competed in intercollegiate athletic competition, and for each team
      • total number of participants, the number of participants who also participated on another varsity team, and the number of other varsity teams on which they participated;
      • total operating expenses;
      • whether the head coach was male or female and whether the head coach was assigned to the team on a full-time or part-time basis, and for part-time head coaches whether the coach was a full- or part-time employee of the institution;
      • number of male and the number of female assistant coaches, and the number of male and the number of female assistant coaches who were
      • the number of part-time assistant coaches who were full-time and part-time employees of the institution. full-time or part-time employees of the institution; and
    • total revenues attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities, and the revenues from football, men's basketball, women's basketball, all other men's sports combined, and all other women's sports combined;
    • total revenues generated across all men's teams and across all women's teams;
    • total amount of money spent on athletically related student aid, separately for men's and women's teams overall;
    • ratio of athletically related student aid awarded to male athletes to athletically related student aid awarded to female athletes;
    • total amount of expenditures on recruiting, separately for men's teams and women's teams overall;
    • average annual institutional salary of head coaches of men's teams and of women's teams, across all offered sports;
    • average annual institutional salary of the assistant coaches of men's teams and of women's teams, across all offered sports; and
    • total expenses attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities, and the expenses attributable to football, men's basketball, women's basketball, all other men's sports combined, and all other women's sports combined. 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

Health and Safety

  • How Disclosed: Information provided to each student in a separate written notice 

    HEOA Sec. 488(g): amended HEA Sec. 485 (20 U.S.C. 1092): added HEA Sec. 485(k) HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    34 CFR 668.40

    Each institution must provide to each student, upon enrollment, a separate, clear, and conspicuous written notice that advises the student that a conviction for any offense, during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Title IV, HEA program funds, under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan, or work-study assistance (HEA Sec. 484(r)(1)); (20 U.S.C. 1091(r)(1))

    Each institution must provide a notice in a timely manner to each student who has lost eligibility for Title IV, HEA assistance as a result of the penalties under HEA Sec. 484(r)(1). The notice must be a separate, clear, and conspicuous written notification of the loss of eligibility and must advise the student of the ways in which the student can regain eligibility under HEA Sec. 484(r)(2); (20 U.S.C. 1091(r)(2)).

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link to:

  • How Disclosed: Distributed in writing to each student and each employee

    HEOA Sec. 107 amended HEA Sec. 120 (20 U.S.C. 1011i): new HEA Sec. 120(a)(2)(B)-(C). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008 34 CFR 86

    Each institution must annually distribute in writing to each student and each employee

    • standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the institution's property or as part of any of the institution's activities;
    • description of applicable legal sanctions under state, local, and federal law
    • description of health risks;
    • description of available counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs; and
    • clear statement that institution will impose sanctions for violation of standards of conduct and a description of the sanctions. 

    Note: Students who enroll or employees who are hired after the annual distribution must receive the information. 

    Each institution must make available, upon request, to the Department of Education and to the public, the information distributed to students and employees (see above) and the results of a biennial review of the institution's program that

    • determines the effectiveness of the program and implements needed changes;
    • determines the number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on the institution's campus (as defined in HEA Sec. 485(f)(6), see "Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log") or as part of the institution's activities, and are reported to campus officials;
    • determines the number and type of sanctions that are imposed; and ensures that sanctions are consistently enforced. 

    (See also related requirement in "Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log".) 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E): amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec.


    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information about institutional policies regarding vaccinations

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: Report or notice of report mailed or delivered to each enrolled student and employee.

    HEOA Sec. 488(e)(1)(B)-(D) amended HEA Sec. 485(f) (20 U.S.C. 1092(f)):

    • revised HEA Sec.485(f)(1)(C)
    • revised HEA Sec. 485(f)(1)(F)
    • added HEA Sec. 485(f)(1)(J) 

    HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008

    34 CFR 668.41(a), 34 CFR 668.41(e), 34 CFR 668.46, 34 CFR Part 668 Subpart D, appendix A.

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.41(a), 34 CFR 668.41(e), 34 CFR 668.46, 34 CFR Part 668 Subpart D, appendix A)

    Institutions must distribute, by October 1 each year, a security report or a notice of the report to all current students and employees. If the institution distributes the report by posting it on the institution's website, the institution must provide a notice by October 1 that includes a statement of the report's availability, the exact electronic address, a brief description of the report's contents, and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy upon request.

    The institution must provide a notice to prospective students and employees that includes a statement of the report's availability, a description of its contents, and an opportunity to request a copy. If the report is posted on a website the notice must include the exact electronic address and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy of the report upon request.

    [An institution may combine the publication of the security report and the fire safety report (see "Fire Safety Report and Fire Log") if the title of the combined report clearly states that both reports are included. If the security and fire safety reports are published separately, each report must include information about how to access the other report.]

    The report must contain information about

    • campus policies regarding procedures for students and others to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus, including policies regarding the institution's response to such reports;
    • policies for making timely warning reports (see below);
    • policies for preparing the annual disclosure of crime statistics;
    • policies concerning security of and access to campus facilities and security considerations used in the maintenance of campus facilities;
    • list of the titles of persons or organizations to whom students and employees should report criminal offenses for the purpose of making timely warning reports and statistics disclosures;
    • statement of whether the institution has policies or procedures regarding confidential crime reporting (for inclusion in statistics), and if so, a description of those policies and procedures;
    • statement of the law enforcement authority of campus security personnel and their relationship with state and local law enforcement agencies;
    • policies that encourage accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and appropriate police agencies;
    • procedures, if any, that encourage pastoral counselors and professional counselors to inform persons they are counseling about procedures for confidential crime reporting (for inclusion in statistics);
    • type and frequency of programs designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others;
    • programs designed to inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes;
    • policy concerning the monitoring and recording through local police agencies of criminal activity in which students engaged at off-campus locations of student organizations officially recognized by the institution;
    • policy regarding the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and enforcement of state under-age drinking laws;
    • policy regarding the possession, use, and sale of illegal drugs and enforcement of federal and state drug laws;
    • description of drug or alcohol prevention programs as required under HEA Sec. 120 (20 U.S.C. 1011i) (see "Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program" for more information);
    • statement advising the campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained; and
    • policy regarding campus sexual assault prevention programs and the procedures to be followed once a sex offense has occurred, including 鈥 educational programs;
      • options for and assistance in notifying law enforcement agencies;
      • available on- and off-campus services for victims;
      • options regarding changes to a victim's academic and living situation; and
      • procedures for campus disciplinary action, including sanctions the institution may impose, and a statement that both the accuser and accused are entitled to the sameopportunities to have others present during disciplinary proceedings, and both must be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding (see "Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings" for related requirement).
      • procedures for immediate notification of the campus community;
      • [a description of the process the institution will use to confirm the emergency or dangerous situation, determine the appropriate segment/s of the campus community to be notified, determine the content of the notification, and initiate the notification system unless issuing the notification would compromise efforts to assist a victim, or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency];
      • a statement that the institution will take the actions described above without delay;
      • [list of the titles of person/s or organization/s responsible for carrying out the actions described above];
      • [the institution's procedures for disseminating emergency information to the larger community]; and
      • [the institution's procedures to test the emergency response and evacuation procedures on at least an annual basis]. 

     [missing student notification policies and procedures]. (See "Security Report - Missing Person Policy" for more information.)

    鈥 policies regarding emergency response and evacuation procedures, including

    [The emergency response and evacuation information must be included in the institution's annual security report beginning October 1, 2010.] 

    The Department of Education is required to advise institutions on model emergency response policies, procedures, and practices (HEA Sec. 822, added by HEOA Sec. 801).

    • Statistics for the most recent 3 calendar years: 鈥 Crimes reported to a campus security authority or local police agencies: murder and non-negligent manslaughter; negligent manslaughter; forcible and non-forcible sex offenses; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; and arson;
      • For the crimes listed above and for crimes of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, and destruction, damage, or vandalism of property, and any other crimes reported to a campus security authority or to local police agencies involving bodily injury to any person in which the victim was intentionally selected because of the victim's actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability. These data are to be reported according to category of prejudice; and
      • Arrests and persons referred for campus disciplinary action, for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession. 

    Institutions are to use the Federal Bureau of Investigation's crime definitions. The statistics are to be reported by the following locations (see resources below for complete information about location definitions):

    • On campus;
    • In dormitories or other on-campus residential facilities for students;
    • In or on a non-campus building or property (any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization officially recognized by the institution, or any building or property owned or controlled by the institution that is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution); and
    • on public property that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. 

    The institution is not required to report statistics for crimes reported to a pastoral or professional counselor. The statistics must not identify a victim or person accused of committing a crime.

    The institution must submit the crime statistics to the Department of Education. The Department is required to make the statistics available to the public.

    Institutions must make timely reports to the campus community of crimes considered to be a threat to students and employees that are reported to campus security authorities or to local police agencies. [Institutions are not required to issue a timely warning based on the same circumstances that lead to an emergency notification.]

    Institutions that maintain a police or security department of any kind must maintain a daily crime log. The log must record, by the date a crime was reported, any crime reported to the campus police or security department that occurred on campus, in or on a non-campus building or property, on public property, or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or the campus security department. The log must include the nature, date, time, and general location of each crime, and the disposition of the complaint if known.

    An entry to the log, or an addition to an entry, must be made within two business days of the report of the information to campus police or security department, unless the disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim. Information may be withheld if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual, cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence. Once the adverse effect is no longer likely to occur, the information must be disclosed.

    The crime log for the most recent 60 days must be open to public inspection during normal business hours. Portions of the log older than 60 days must be available for public inspection within two business days of a request.

    For more information: 
    Handbook for Campus Crime Reporting 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Links: 

  • How Disclosed: Information included in annual security report (see "Security Report (Including emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log)

    HEOA Sec. 488(g) amended HEA Sec. 485 (20 U.S.C. 1092): added HEA Sec. 485(j) HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.41(a), added 34 CFR 668.46(b)(14) and 34 CFR 668.46(h))

    [Beginning October 1, 2010, an institution that provides any on-campus student housing facility must include in its annual security report (see "Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log") a statement of policy regarding missing student notification procedures for students who reside in on-campus student housing facilities.]

    [This statement must]

    • [include the titles of the persons or organizations to which reports should be made that a student has been missing for 24 hours];
    • [require that any missing student report must be referred immediately to the institution's police or campus security department, or, in the absence of an institutional police or campus security department, to the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the area];
    • [contain an option for each student to identify a contact person or persons whom the institution will notify] within 24 hours if the student is determined by the institutional police or security department or the local law enforcement agency to be missing;
    • [advise students their contact information will be registered confidentially];
    • informs students that the institution will notify within 24 hours the appropriate law enforcement agency that the student is determined to be missing (if the law enforcement agency did not make the determination that the student is missing); and
    • advises students, if they are under 18 years of age and not emancipated, that the institution is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours when the student is determined to be missing [in addition to any additional contact person designated by the student]. 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link:

    •  鈥 Click on Clery/Crime Info
  • How Disclosed: [Fire safety report, or notice of report, distributed to each student and current employee

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(T). HEOA Sec. 488(g) amended HEA Sec. 485 (20 U.S.C. 1092): added HEA Sec. 485(i) HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.41(a) and 34 CFR 668.41(e), added 34 CFR 668.49)

    [By October 1 of each year (beginning with the October 1, 2010, report containing data from the 2009 calendar year), an institution that maintains any on-campus student housing facility must distribute an annual fire safety report, or notice of the report, to all enrolled students and current employees. If the institution distributes the report by posting the report on its website, it must provide a notice by October 1 that includes a statement of the report's availability, the exact electronic address at which the report is posted, a brief description of the report's contents, and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy upon request.] [Institutions must provide a notice to prospective students and prospective employees that includes a statement of the

    report's availability, a description of its contents, and an opportunity to request a copy. If the institution posts the report on its website, the notice must include the exact electronic address at which the report is posted and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy upon request.]

    [An institution may combine the publication of the fire safety report and the security report (see "Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log") if the title of the combined report clearly states that both reports are included. If the security and fire safety reports are published separately, each report must include information about how to access the other report.]

    The fire safety report must include, for each on-campus student housing facility

    • statistics for the [three]* most recent calendar years for which data are available for
      • the number of fires and the cause of each fire;
      • the number of injuries related to a fire that result in treatment at a medical facility [, including at an on-campus health center];
      • the number of deaths related to a fire; and
      • the value of property damage caused by a fire.
    • a description of each housing facility fire safety system, including the fire sprinkler system;
    • the number of [fire drills held during the previous calendar year] (number of fire drills in 2009 for the 2010 report);
    • policies or rules on portable electrical appliances, smoking, and open flames;
    • procedures for evacuation;
    • policies regarding fire safety education and training programs provided to students and employees (describing the procedures students and employees should follow in the case of a fire).
    • [for the purposes of including a fire in the statistics, the titles of each person or organization to which students and employees should report that a fire occurred]; and
    • plans for future improvements in fire safety, if determined necessary by the institution. 
    *[The 3-year requirement will be phased in. The October 1, 2010, report will include the statistics for the 2009 calendar year. The first report to contain three years of data will be the October 1, 2012, report.] The statistics must also be submitted to the Department of Education. The Department must make the statistics publicly available.

    The institution must maintain a fire log [that records by the date that a fire was reported, any fire that occurred in an on-campus student housing facility]. The log must include the nature, date, time, and general location of each fire.

    [An entry to the log, or an addition to an entry, must be made within 2 business days of the receipt of the information. The log for the most recent 60-day period must be open to public inspection during normal business hours. The institution must make older portions of the log available within 2 business days of a request for public inspection.]

    The institution must make an annual report to the campus community on the fires. [This requirement may be satisfied by the annual fire safety report described above.]

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • Disclosed: Information provided to victim of crime

    HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1)(A) amended HEA Sec. 487(a) (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)): added

    HEA Sec. 487(a)(26)

    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2009

    Institutions must, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence, or a nonforcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the institution against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the information shall be provided, upon request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim. This provision applies to any disciplinary proceeding conducted by an institution on or after August 14, 2009. (See "Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log" for related requirement regarding sex offenses.)

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media. Also seminars, workshops, lectures, and information provided to new students and new staff upon entry to KSU.

    The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act increases transparency on campus about incidents of sexual violence, guarantees victims enhanced rights, sets standards for disciplinary proceedings, and requires campus-wide prevention education programs. The Campus SaVE Act amends the , which addresses campus sexual assault policies within the Higher Education Act of 1965. President Obama signed SaVE into law on March 7, 2013 as part of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Link:


Student Financial Assistance

  • How Disclosed: Notice is distributed to each enrolled student. 

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)). Not changed by HEOA 34 CFR 668.41(c) 

    Each institution must annually distribute to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information that is required to be made available to students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (see "Privacy of Student Records鈭扚amily Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)" for FERPA disclosure requirements), and under HEA Sec. 485(a)(1), Sec. 485(f), Sec. 485(g), and Sec. 485(j). 

    Note: The list required in this notice is not a comprehensive list of HEA disclosure requirements. 

    The notice must list and briefly describe the information and include a statement of the procedures required to obtain the information. For information listed in the notice that is disclosed on an institution's website, the notice must include the exact electronic address and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy upon request. 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Link: 黑料网 Office of Student Financial Aid Website

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media 

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)-(2) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)-(2)). Not changed by HEOA. 34 CFR 668.43, 34 CFR 668.44 

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information regarding how and where to contact individuals designated to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining the institutional or financial aid information required to be disclosed under HEA Sec. 485(a). (See "Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information") 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Link: 黑料网 Office of Student Financial Aid Website 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media 

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(B) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): new HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(M). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008. 

    34 CFR 668.41 (a)-(d), 34 CFR 668.42, 34 CFR 668.43 

    July 28, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.42) 

    Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about 

    • all the need-based and non-need-based federal, state, local, private, and institutional student financial assistance programs available to students who enroll in the institution;
    • terms and conditions of Title IV, HEA loans;
    • criteria for selecting recipients and for determining amount of award;
    • eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid;
    • methods and frequency of disbursements of aid;
    • rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, HEA student; financial aid, including criteria for continued student eligibility and standards for satisfactory academic progress;
    • terms of any loan received as part of financial aid package, sample loan repayment schedule, and the necessity for repaying loans;
    • a statement that enrollment in a program of study abroad approved for credit by the home institution may be considered enrollment in the home institution for purposes of applying for federal student financial aid;
    • general conditions and terms applicable to employment provided as part of financial aid package;
    • [the exit counseling information the institution provides and collects]. 

    (See also subject L-9 Preferred Lender Arrangement disclosure requirements.) 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link to: 黑料网 Office of Student Financial Aid 

  • How Disclosed: Information provided to borrowers

    HEA Sec. 487(a)(9) (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)(9)), 34 CFR 668.14(b)(11) Not changed by HEOA.

    Institution must inform all eligible borrowers enrolled in the institution about the availability of and their eligibility for grant assistance from the state in which the institution is located, and provide sources of information about grant assistance from other states to borrowers from other states

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Information provided to prospective student borrowers

    Institutions are required to provide information published by the Department of Education to students at any time that information regarding loan availability is provided. The publication includes information about rights and responsibilities of students and institutions under Title IV, HEA loan programs. (See also "Exit Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers" requirements for exit counseling for student loan borrowers.)

    Status: In Compliance

    HEOA Sec. 488(c) amended HEA Sec. 485(d) (20 U.S.C. 1092(d))

    Disclosure Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: Information provided to borrowers

    HEOA Sec. 489 amended HEA Sec. 485B(d)(4) (20 U.S.C. 1092b)

    Institutions that enter into an agreement with a potential student, student, or parent of a student regarding a Title IV, HEA loan are required to inform the student or parent that the loan will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Information provided to each borrower 

    HEOA Sec. 488(g) amended HEA Sec. 485 (20 U.S.C. 1092): added HEA Sec. 


    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008 

    July 28, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 685.304(a), 34 CFR 682.604(f)) 

    Note: The NPRM includes proposed regulations separately for each loan program. See the program regulations for complete information. 

    [Prior] to the time of disbursement, each institution must provide to a first-time borrower of a FFELP or a Federal Direct Loan (other than consolidated or Parent PLUS loans) comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and of the borrower's responsibilities. The information is to include

    • the effect of the loan on the eligibility of the borrower for other forms of aid;
    • an explanation of the use of the Master Promissory Note;
    • [the seriousness and importance of the students' repayment obligation];
    • information on the accrual and capitalization of interest; borrowers of unsubsidized loans have the option of paying interest while in school;
    • definition of half-time enrollment and the consequences of not maintaining half-time enrollment;
    • importance of contacting appropriate offices if student withdraws prior to completion of program of study;
    • sample monthly repayment amounts;
    • the obligation of the borrower to repay the full amount of the loan regardless of whether the borrower completes program or completes within regular time for completion[, is unable to obtain employment upon completion, or is otherwise dissatisfied with or does not receive the educational or other services the borrower purchased from the school];
    • consequences of default;
    • information about the NSLDS and how the borrower can access the borrower's records; and
    • name and contact information for individual the borrower may contact with questions about the borrower's rights and responsibilities or the terms and conditions of the loan.
  • How Disclosed: Information provided to each student borrower

    HEOA Sec. 488(b) amended HEA Sec. 485(b) (20 U.S.C. 1092(b)): new HEA Sec. 485(b)(1)(A) HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    July 28, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.42, 34 CFR 685.304(b), 34 CFR 674.42(b), 34 CFR 682.604(g))

    Note: The NPRM includes proposed regulations separately for each loan program. See the program regulations for complete information.

    Each institution must provide counseling to borrowers of loans under the FFEL, Federal Direct Loan, or Perkins Loan programs (other than consolidated or Parent PLUS loans) [shortly before the student borrower ceases at least half-time study at the institution.] The counseling will provide information on

    • [average anticipated monthly repayment amount];
    • repayment plan options;
    • options to prepay or pay on shorter schedule;
    • debt management strategies;
    • [use of Master Promissory Note];
    • [the seriousness and importance of student's repayment obligation];
    • terms and conditions for forgiveness or cancellation;
    • copy of information provided by the Department of Education (see "Student Loan Information Published by Dept. of Education");
    • terms and conditions for deferment or forbearance;
    • consequences of default;
    • options and consequences of loan consolidation;
    • tax benefits available to borrowers;
    • [the obligation of the borrower to repay the full amount of the loan regardless of whether the borrower completes program or completes within regular time for completion, is unable to obtain employment upon completion, or is otherwise dissatisfied with or did not receive the educational or other services the borrower purchased from the institution];
    • [availability of the Student Loan Ombudsman's office]; and
    • information about the NSLDS. The Department of Education is required to provide a disclosure form for students and prospective students about the NSLDS (HEOA Sec. 489(3), HEA Sec. 485B). 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Information provided to prospective borrowers

    HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1) amended HEA Sec. 487(a) (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)): added HEA Sec. 487(a)(28); HEOA Sec. 120 and Sec. 1021(b) amended HEA Title I: added HEA Sec. 151-155 (20 U.S.C. 1019, 1019a-1019d) HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008, unless otherwise specified

    July 28, 2009 NPRM (added 34 CFR 601.2, 34 CFR 601.11, 34 CFR 601.30, 34 CFR 668.14(b)(29))

    Institutions or institution-affiliated organizations (e.g., alumni organizations, foundations) that provide information regarding a private education loan from a lender to a prospective borrower must provide information to the prospective borrower, including

    • information required under Sec. 128(e) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1638(e));
    • that the prospective borrower may qualify for loans or other assistance under Title IV, HEA programs; and
    • that the terms and conditions of Title IV, HEA program loans may be more favorable than the provisions of private education loans.

    The information regarding private education loans must be presented in a manner that makes it distinct from information regarding Title IV, HEA program loans.

    The institution must, upon request, provide in written or electronic form to [an enrolled or admitted] student applicant for a private education loan the self-certification form for private education loans required under Sec. 128(e)(3) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1638(e)(3)), and the information required to complete the form, to the extent the institution possesses the information. The Department of Education is required to develop the form.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: Private Loans -- Non-Federal

  • How Disclosed: Published on website

    HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1) and HEOA Sec. 493(c) amended HEA Sec. 487 (20 U.S.C. 1094):

    • added HEA Sec. 487(a)(25)
    • new HEA Sec. 487(e) 

    HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008

    July 28, 2009 NPRM (added 34 CFR 601.2, 34 CFR 601.21, 34 CFR 668.14(b)(27))

    Each institution must prominently publish on the institution's website a code of conduct that prohibits a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an [agent] of an institution with respect to FFELP or private education loans. All agents with responsibility for loans must be informed annually of the provisions of the code. The code of conduct must prohibit

    • revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender;
    • receiving gifts from a lender [, a guarantor, or a loan servicer];
    • contracting arrangement providing financial benefit from any lender or affiliate of a lender;
    • [directing borrowers to particular lenders, or refusing or delaying loan certifications];
    • offers of funds for private loans;
    • call center or financial aid office staffing assistance; and advisory board compensation. 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: Code of Conduct

    • How Disclosed: Made available to students and families in print or other medium

      HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1), HEOA Sec. 493(c), and HEOA Sec. 493(d) amended HEA Sec. 487 (20 U.S.C. 1094):

      • added HEA Sec. 487(a)(27)
      • added HEA Sec. 487(h)
      • new HEA Sec. 487(i) 

      HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008

      July 28, 2009 NPRM (added 34 CFR 601.2, 34 CFR 601.10, 34 CFR 668.14(b)(28))

      Each institution must annually make available in print or other medium to students attending the institution and their families a list of the specific lenders for private education loans or for Title IV, HEA loans that the institution recommends, promotes, or endorses in accordance with a preferred lender arrangement.

      The list must prominently disclose the method and criteria used by the institution in selecting lenders for preferred lender arrangements to ensure that such lenders are selected on the basis of the best interests of the borrower. The list must also clearly and fully disclose

      • the minimum information determined by the Department of Education (HEA Sec. 153(a)) (see "Preferred Lender Arrangements");
      • why the institution participates in a preferred lender arrangement with each lender, particularly with respect to terms and conditions or provisions favorable to the borrower; and
      • that the students or their families do not have to borrow from a lender on the list. 

      The list must have at least three FFELP lenders who are not affiliates of each other. If the list includes private loans, there must be at least two lenders who are not affiliates. The list must indicate for each lender whether it is or is not an affiliate of the other lenders on the list. The details of each affiliation are to be disclosed. The Department of Education is required to provide to institutions a list of the lender affiliates of all eligible lenders.

      Status: In Compliance 

      Disclosure Report Link: Private Loans and Selection Process

Student Outcome

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(U): HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.41(a), 34 CFR 668.41(d))

    Institutions must make available to current and prospective students the retention rate of certificate- or degree-seeking, first-time, undergraduate students [as reported to IPEDS].

    (This information is collected in the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey.) [If the retention rate information is requested by a prospective student, the information must be made available prior to the student's enrolling or entering into any financial obligation with the institution.]

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(2) amended HEA Sec. 485(a) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)): new HEA Sec. 485(a)(4) 
    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(3) amended HEA Sec. 485(a) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(7) 
    HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008 (see exception below)

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d), 34 CFR 668.45, 34 CFR 668.8(b)(1)ii) 
    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.45)

    Each institution must annually make available to prospective and enrolled students the completion or graduation rate of certificate- or degree-seeking, first-time, fulltime, undergraduate students. The data are to be available by July 1 each year for the most recent cohort that has had 150 percent of normal time for completion by August 31 of the prior year. If the information is requested by a prospective student, it must be made available prior to the student's enrolling or entering into any financial obligation with the institution.

    Note: Institutions may add other information to their completion/graduation rate disclosures (e.g., graduation rates for other timeframes, but the HEA-required information must be identifiable and separate from any additional information).

    An institution that determines that its mission includes providing substantial preparation for students to enroll in another Title IV, HEA-eligible institution must disclose a transfer-out rate for each cohort.

    A student shall be counted as a completion or graduation if the student earns a degree or certificate or completes a transfer-preparatory program within 150 percent of normal time for the student's program.

    Note: These data are collected in the IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey (GRS) For more information: 

    The HEOA (Sec. 488(a)(3)) added a provision requiring that the completion or graduation rates must be disaggregated by

    • gender;
    • major racial and ethnic subgroup [as defined in IPEDS];
    • recipients of a Federal Pell Grant;
    • recipients of a subsidized Stafford Loan who did not receive a Pell Grant; and
    • students who did not receive either a Pell Grant or a subsidized Stafford Loan. 

    [Students are to be considered to have received a grant or loan if they received it during the period used for determining the cohort 鈭 fall term or full year.]

    These disaggregated rates are to be disclosed only If the number of students in each group is sufficient to yield statistically reliable information and not reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student. The requirement for disaggregation does not apply to 2-year degree-granting institutions until academic year 2011-2012. 

    Institutions are allowed to exclude from completion/graduation or transfer-out rate calculations those students who leave school to serve in the Armed Forces, on official church missions, or with a federal foreign aid service, or are deceased or totally and permanently disabled.

    The HEOA (Sec. 488(a)(2)) added a provision that applies to institutions for which students who leave school to serve in the Armed Forces, on official church missions, or with a recognized federal foreign aid service represent 20 percent or more of the certificate- or degree-seeking, fulltime undergraduates at the institution. Those institutions may include the students who leave for such service in their completion/graduation rate calculations but allow for the time the students were not enrolled due to their service [by adding the time period the students were not enrolled due to their service to the 150 percent of normal time used in the calculations.]

    Status: In ComplianceDisclosure

    Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: Provided to prospective student athletes and others at time offer is made of athletically related student aid

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(3) amended HEA Sec. 485(a) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(7) HEOA Sec. 488(d) amended HEA Sec. 485(e) (20 U.S.C. 1092(e)): new HEA Sec. 485(e)(3) 
    HEOA amendments effective August 14, 2008

    34 CFR 668.41(a), 34 CFR 668.41(f), 34 CFR 668.45, 34 CFR 668.48 
    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.45 and 34 CFR 668.48)

    Each institution must produce by July 1 each year a report that is provided to a prospective student athlete and the student's parents, high school guidance counselor, and coach at the time the institution offers athletically related student aid. If the NCAA provides the information for the institution to high school coaches and counselors, the institution is deemed to be in compliance with that requirement. The report must also be sent to the Department of Education. (The IPEDS GRS collects a URL for the disclosure information if it is posted on the institution's website.)

    Note: The provisions in 34 CFR 668.45 (see "Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates") regarding transfer-out disclosures; determining cohorts; defining completion, graduation, and transfer-out; exclusions; and disaggregation of completion/graduation rates apply also to the requirements for disclosing completion/graduation and transfer-out information for students receiving athletically related student aid.

    The report must contain

    • the number of students, by race and gender, who attended the institution in the prior year;
    • the number of students who attended in the prior year and who received athletically related aid, categorized by race and gender within each sport (basketball, football, baseball, cross-country and track combined, and all other sports combined);
    • the completion or graduation rate, and if applicable, the transfer-out rate, of the certificate- or degree-seeking first-time, full-time undergraduates, categorized by race and gender for the most recently completing class (data submitted to IPEDS in Graduation Rate Survey, see subject # 25;
    • the completion or graduation rate, and if applicable, the transfer-out rate, of the certificate- or degree-seeking first-time, full-time undergraduates who received athletically related student aid, categorized by race and gender within sport. (These data need not be disclosed for a category in which the number of students is five or fewer.)
    • average completion or graduation rate, and, if applicable, transfer-out rate, of the four most recently completing or graduating classes, by race and gender; and
    • average completion or graduation rate, and, if applicable, transfer-out rate, of the four most recently completing or graduating classes for students who received athletically related student aid, categorized by race and gender within each sport. 

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link:

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(R)  

    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.41(d))

    Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information regarding the placement in employment of, and types of employment obtained by, graduates of the institution's degree or certificate programs.

    [Institutions must identify the source of the placement information, and any timeframes and methodology associated with it.]

    Under this provision, institutions are not required to calculate placement rates, but [an Institution must disclose any placement rates it calculates for any program.]

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Information made available to prospective students (we currently do not use this for recruiting students and would have to adhere to these regulations if we do)

    HEA Sec. 487(a)(8) (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)(8)) (34 CFR 668.14(b)(10)) Not changed by HEOA

    An institution that advertises job placement rates as a means of recruiting students to enroll must make available to prospective students, at or before the time the prospective student applies for enrollment

    • the most recent available data concerning employment statistics and graduation statistics;
    • any other information necessary to substantiate the truthfulness of the advertisements; and
    • relevant state licensing requirements of the state in which the institution is located for any job for which the course of instruction is designed to prepare students. 

    Status: In Compliance 

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media

    HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(S)

    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.41(d))

    Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information regarding the types of graduate and professional education in which graduates of the institution's 4-year degree programs enrolled.

    [Institutions must identify the source of the information, and any timeframes and methodology associated with it.]

    Status: In Compliance


  • How Disclosed: Voter registration forms made widely available and provided to each enrolled student

    HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1) amended HEA Sec. 487(a)(23) (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)(23)): added HEA Sec. 487(a)(23)(D) 
    HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008

    Each institution must

    • make a good faith effort to distribute a mail voter registration form (for federal elections and state elections for governor or other State chief executive) to each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance at the institution;
    • make the voter registration form widely available to students at the institution; and
    • request the forms from the state 120 days prior to the deadline for registering to vote within the state. 

    This requirement does not apply to institutions in states that do not have a voter registration requirement or that allow voters to register at the time of voting.

    The HEOA (Sec. 493(a)(1)) added the provision that an institution will be considered to be in compliance with the distribution requirement if the institution electronically distributes the voter registration form or an Internet address where such a form can be downloaded. The information must be in an electronic message devoted exclusively to voter registration.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Report Link: 

  • How Disclosed: Notice is distributed to each enrolled student.

    Publication Date: May 2005. FRPart: Page Numbers: 29727-29728. Federal Register: May 24, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 99)

    The Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement announced that, pursuant to legislation passed by Congress, education institutions receiving Federal funds are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United State Constitution on September 17 of each year. This notice implements this provision as it applies to educational institutions receiving Federal funding from the Department of Education.

    Status: In Compliance

    Disclosure Link: