Honors Capstone

CSM Honors student
The culminating achievement of Honors Research Scholars and Honors in the Major 鈥 Pathway I students at 黑料网 is the completion of an Honors Capstone. Depending on the Honors student's interests and goals, the Capstone might take the form of a research, service, or creative project. The Honors Capstone enables Honors students to explore in depth a topic or question related to their chosen disciplines. 

Some majors require a Capstone or Senior Project. In these cases, Honors students are advised to work with their faculty mentors to add an Honors component to their Capstone or Senior Project. This can be done by working with the Honors Capstone Coordinator.
At least a semester before graduation, Honors students should register for HON 4497 in which they develop capstone proposals with the support of a faculty supervisor in their discipline, an Honors supervisor, and the designated .

Honors students continue and complete the Capstone Project as they take HON 4499 their senior year. Students must earn an A or B in HON 4499 to successfully complete the Honors Capstone requirement.

The Honors Capstone is designed to set 黑料网 Honors students apart in job interviews and applications for graduate school. 


  • Preparing your Capstone Proposal
  • KSU Journey Honors College annually recognizes the top capstone thesis or applied project from each campus with an award at the Honors Graduation Celebration each spring.
  • The following list is provided to help students in the early stages of capstone development to brainstorm for appropriate topics. Select your major.
  • More information will be added here as we collect it.

    Majors with a Capstone

    • If your major requires a Capstone or Senior Project, you can work with your faculty mentor to add an Honors component to the Capstone. Honors doesn't intend for you to complete two Capstones; we would recommend that you instead deepen or extend the Capstone in your major.
    • Some of these majors have a two-course Capstone sequence, such as the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering: ME 4201 Senior Design I and ME 4202 Senior Design II. In such cases, students register for HON 4497 with the first Capstone course in your major and HON 4499 with the second (e.g., HON 4497 Capstone Proposal with ME 4201 and HON 4499 Capstone Completion with ME 4202). Please talk to your advisor in your major to learn more about the requirements in your major.
    • Other majors requiring a Capstone or Senior Project only have one course for the development and completion of the project, such as IS 4880 IS Capstone Course in the B.S. in Information Systems. In that case, take HON 4497 AND HON 4499 together during the semester that you take the capstone in your major (e.g., HON 4497, HON 4499, and IS 4880 in the same semester). You may need to email honors@kennesaw.edu to request an override so that you can do so. Please talk to your advisor in your major to learn more about the requirements in your major.


    • See your psychology advisor regularly.
    • You need to talk to your psychology advisor before you start HON 4497 to ensure you meet departmental guidelines.
    • You must sign up for HON 4499 for three-hours so that you can substitute it for the three-hour required class PSYC 4499: Senior Seminar in Psychology.
    • Honors students must also submit a Capstone Substitution Request form to the department both before and immediately prior to completing the HON 4499 class.
    • See for details.

Capstones by Majors

This list of capstones is provided to assist students who are planning their honors capstone. Full-text of selected capstones are linked to Digital Commons. Capstones available upon request in hard copy from the Honors Office are designated with an asterisk (*) from the Kennesaw campus and with a double asterisk (**) from the Marietta campus. The  鈥 denotes that the major is no longer active.

Some majors from the former SPSU have been discontinued, so look in related majors to find capstones that might apply to you.

Coles College of Business

  • Original Research Project

    • Earnings Management: Investor Decisions *
      By Davia Alvarado, Summer 2014

    • Characteristics of Firms Adopting Enterprise Risk Management Practices By Rachel Harris, Spring 2014

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • True Face of American Health Care Reform
      By Walterina Del Cid Seals, Fall 2010

    • Proposed Accounting Rules for Loss Contingencies By Stephanie Autry, Spring 2009

    • Ineffective or Understaffed Audit Committees By Jessica Mytrohovich, Spring 2007

    • Accounting Standards: The United States, Germany, and International By Tomoko Orui, Fall 2004
    • Person-Organization Fit: Insights Gained From Accounting Students ** By Sanae Syed, Spring 2013
    • The Strategic Operation Plan for CASMO ** By Haoran Zheng, Fall 2012

    • An Analysis of State Budget Allocations for 2007-2011 ** By Brian Ellison, Spring 2012

    • Organizational and Management Information Systems Improvement Models, Methods and Standards * By Lauren Tyus, Spring 2012

    • Personal Values and Value Types of Accounting and Business Students ** By Yuan Wen, Spring 2012

    • First Care Business Strategy Plan----North China Part ** By Xin Yang, Spring 2012

    • A Risky Exchange: A Research Review of Foreign Exchange *By Alex Harrison, Fall 2011
    • High Housing Prices Influence Consumer Consumption in China **By Hao Dou, Spring 2011

    • Will the Low Price of Intellectual Property Drive Out the Piracy in China? ----A Research of Piracies in China ** By Muying Jiang, Spring 2011

    • The Future of Foreign Banks in China is Bright ** By Chenqiao Li, Spring 2011

    • Unauthorized Activities of Poorly Managed Sales Representatives will Destroy Amway of China without Finding more Effective Counter-Measures ** By Kuo Li, Spring 2011

    • The Globalization of China's Securities Market Boost the Domestic Economy ** By Yuanyuan Pan, Spring 2011

    • Do Taxes Matter?: The Relationship Between Taxation Policy and Economic Development in the United States ** By Linna Sun, Spring 2011

  • Original Research Project

    • Millennial's Attitudes, Behaviors, and Knowledge Related to Personal Finances and Investing *
      By Yoana Cervantes, Summer 2016

    • A Bubble in Higher Education: 黑料网ing Austrian Business Cycle Theory to the Market for Higher Education in the United States *By Daniel Pakkala, Summer 2015

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Behavioral Finance and Asset-Pricing Models: The Influence of Investor Behavior on Market Efficiency * By Michelle McGee, Summer 2014

    Existing Research into a New Context

    • The Relationship Between Gentrification and Property Values: An Empirical Analysis of Atlanta, GA: 1990 鈥 2001. * By Anthony Muhia, December 2003
  • Other

    • Ultrasonic Data Steganography *
      By Alexander Edwards, Spring 2016
      (This project is a joint creative/applied technical research project.)

    • Ultrasonic Data Transmission and Steganography * By Hunter Young, Spring 2016 (This project is a joint creative/applied technical research project.)

    No Classification

    • Artificial Intelligent Chabot Research and Design ** By Lusi Liu, Fall 2011
  • Original Synthesis of Research

    • Green IT: Origins, Solutions, and Impacts By Andrew Small, Spring 2010

    • Awareness of Computer Security Policies *By Adesola Ogundele, Fall 2003

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Meal Guide: A Nutrition Management System * By Jeremy McDaniel, Summer 2008
  • Service Learning Project

    • Honors Senior Capstone Experience: Winshape International * By Elijah Williams, Spring 2011
      (For this project, the student developed a curriculum to educate Chick-fil-A leaders on Chinese and Ukranian culture and how to apply Chick-fil-A's S.E.R.V.E model in these contexts.)

    No Classification:

    • Advanced Technologies will Improve Food Security While Promoting Sustainable Development **
      By Xi Chen, Spring 2011
  • Original Research Project

    • Compare and Contrast the Management Styles of the US and the UK *
      By Lauren Young, Spring 2009

    • Does Gender Orientation affect the Career Aspirations and Work/Family Balance Expectations of University Students? * By Lindsay Miller, Spring 2002

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Comparison of Management Styles between the United States and Mexico: Is Globalization Leading to Similar Business Practices in the United States and Mexico? * By Elizabeth Starzyk, Spring 2006

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • An Analysis of the Application of Corporate Social Responsibility in Publicly-Traded versus Privately-Held Companies *
      By Ryan Archer, Spring 2015

    • Are Human Resource Departments Being Strategic About Attracting and Retaining Generation Y? * By Winnie C. Patta, Summer 2011

    • The Drive for Foreign Labor by Businesses in America and Japan: The Differences and Similarities in an Individualistic and Collectivist Culture * By Thassia Da Silva, Summer 2007

    Service Learning Project

    • Process Development Training for Supervisors and Managers on the policies and procedures for the federal FMLA Leaves of Absence  *
      By Kathy Richardson, Fall 2011 (Title provided by the Honors College)

    • Tellus Science Museum Benchmarking Project * By Samantha Roberts, Spring 2015

    • Rice Bowl Fundraiser *By Hunter Carl, Fall 2014

     See also:

    • Honors Senior Capstone Experience: Winshape International *
      By Elijah Williams, Spring 2011
      (For this project, the student developed a curriculum to educate Chick-fil-A leaders on Chinese and Ukrainian culture and how to apply Chick-fil-A's S.E.R.V.E model in these contexts.)
  • See also:

    • The Green-Eyed Monster: The Ethical Repercussions of the Greenwashing Phenomenon on the American Consumer *
      By Kristina Conant, Spring 2010
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.

Bagwell College of Education

  • Original Research Project

    • Quelling the Bully Factor: A Look at Contemporary Anti-Bullying Research *
      By Chelsea Ham, Fall 2013

    • Teaching to the Test: How Federal Mandates Affect Elementary Educators鈥 Teaching Styles *
      By Ashley R. Vande Corput,Spring 2012

    • Commercialized Schools: What Does This Mean for Our Students? By Ashley Brooks, Spring 2009

    • Perceptions of Preschool Directors Regarding the Care of Children with Disabilities * By Kathy Kennebeck, Spring 2004

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Exploring and integrating Afro-Caribbean folklore and literature into early childhood, elementary, and middle school environments * By Kerry-Ann Coote, Summer 2011

    • Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology for Writing, Organization, Memory, and Reading   * By Morgan Shapiro, Spring 2011

    • Differentiating Instruction to Accommodate Varied Learning Styles; Myth or Miracle? * By Pennie Lemley, Spring 2006

    • Classroom Management: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants * By Kara Koski, Spring 2003 

    Service Learning Project

    • Globe Trotters: A Healthy Living Project *

    • By Holley Sewell, Spring 2012
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Synthesis of Research

    • Middle Grades Unit Plan on Southwest History
      By Allie Hahn, Fall 2012

College of Architecture and Construction Management

    • The Consolidation of the Georgia Institute of Technology's Ivan Allen College **
      By Linda Highsmith, Spring 2012

    • Reversing the Architecture of Segregation/ Establishing an Architecture For Urban Wetlands*
      By Tiffany Scott, Spring 2012

    • Repurpose: Rapid Deployment Emergency Relief System **
      By Derek Stahl, Spring 2012

    • An Open Architecture: The Architecture of Social Agency **
      By Ethan Gray, Spring 2011

    • Rethinking on Urban Landfill **
      By Coby Andrews, Spring 2010

    • The Freedom of the City: Center for Displaced People and Concordia Plaza **
      By Luis Calvo, Spring 2010

    • Dismantling Power **
      By Yvette Lapura, Spring 2010

    • Parque de Ia Cultura: bridging the formal and informal city **
      By Maria Carolina Montilla, Spring 2010

    • Participatory Democracy **
      By Dustin Willis, Spring 2010

    • ECOMESH **
      By Amanda Palasik, Spring 2009

    • Chinese Pavilion for International Expo in Atlanta **
      By Tong Tong, Spring 2008

    • Learning Symbiotic Design **
      By Leo Felix, Spring 2007
    • Construction Management Thomaston Upson BOE Bus Maintenance Facility **
      By Ying Guo, Spring 2011

    • ENSAT Phase II SPLOST 2005 Sandy Creek Nature Center Addition **
      By Adam Martin, Spring 2011

College of the Arts

  • Original Creative Work

    • Original Photographic Series, Photobook, & Critical Essay
      By Lauren Bishop, Spring 2015

    • The Traditional Leather-Bound Book *
      By Asia Matos, Fall 2011
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • The Representation and Display of Mississippian Native North American Art in the Post Modern Museum *By Ashley Hazel, Spring 2016
  • Original Research Project

    • projectMOVE *
      By Sicily Ledford, Spring 2016
      (For this project, Sicily Ledford created  and implemented a four-step model of dance education for K-12 schools. She also distributed surveys to measure the success of the program in regard to the behavior and increased knowledge of students and educators.)

     Original Creative Work 

    • Do You Want to Know? *
      By Haley Myers, Spring 2015

    • Resilient Rose
      By Emmie Graham Irvin, Spring 2014
  • Original Creative Work 

    • Do You Want to Know? *
      By Haley Myers, Spring 2015
  • Original Creative Work
    • Fostering Intercultural Competencies in the Middle School Band Setting: A Proposal for Teaching Hungarian Rondo by Arpad Balazs *
      By Sara Knapp, Spring 2016
  • Original Creative Work

    The Evolution of the French Horn *

    • By Kristen Arvold, Spring 2016
      (For this project, Kristen Arvold integrated a presentation of the history of the French horn into a performance of various works on the French horn.)

    • Behind the Reeds: Preparation for a Recital
      By Shelby Jones, Spring 2016
      (For this project, Shelby Jones organized, prepared, and performed an hour-long recital.)
  • Original Creative Work

    • [No Title]
      By RoseAnne Simpson, Spring 2009
      (This project involved conducting interviews with military servicemen and women and producing a script to be performed in front of a live audience.)

    • Mythological Resonances within J. R. R. Tolkien鈥檚 The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings *
      By Paula Bowen, Spring 2006
      (This project involved a literature review and an original stage adaption of The Hobbit.)

    Service Learning Project

    • My Beckett Journey *
      By Laura McGrath (nee Solov), Spring 2006
      (This project involved a literature review and directing two short plays.)

College of Computing and Software Engineering

    • Supporting User Interaction with  a Database by a Database **
      By Scott Overman, Spring 2009

    • A Study in Threads-Based Computing Curriculum **
      By Anastassia Semenova, Spring 2010
    • Effective Ul Design to Enhance User Interaction **
      By Duong Ho, Spring 2013

    • Art Styles in Video Games **
      By Sean Fine, Summer 2010

College of Humanities and Social Services

  • Original Synthesis of Research

    • Adapting or Adopting: How African Americans and Japanese Represent Each Other in Hip Hop *
      By Ariel Greenaway, Spring 2016
  • Original Research Project

    • A Community of Candles Burns Brighter: Developing Individual and Communal Identity with the Burning Man Community
      By Addison Hosley, Spring 2014

    • Does Acculturation Affect Perceptions of Beauty Among Chinese Women Who are Exchange Students in the United States?
      By Carly Staley, Fall 2010
    • Our Sublime Vampires: The Unrepresentable Presented in Literature *
      By Jesse Cole, Spring 2010

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Atlanta: Health Disparities, Community Solutions, and the Labor Limo tm: A Case Study of a Community鈥檚 approach to easing Racial Health Disparities among Women in the City of Atlanta *
      By Kelci Ragsdale, Fall 2015

    • Interpreting Evidence of Carnivore Predation upon Hominins
      By April Tolley, Spring 2014

    • Literature Review of European and American Bog Bodies *
      By Debra Kasson-Jones, Spring 2009

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Replicability in Quartz Lithic Analysis: An Experimental Archaeology Project *By Staci Lusk, Summer 2016

    • Man or Mountain: Comparing Constructed and Geographic Defenses in Rajasthan, India *
      By Duncan Balinger, Spring 2014

    • Consuming Normative Femininity: The Significance of Sandra Bartky鈥檚 Fashion-Beauty Complex for Contemporary Beauty Advertising *By Mallory Brewer, Spring 2012

    • Boundaries: Distinguishing Ethnic Identities of Turkish and Kurdish Immigrants from Turkey in Atlanta, Georgia *
      By Vicki Gloer, Summer 2011

    Original Creative Work

    • CUALLI COYOTL: "The Good..." (Issue #1) *
      By Janora Ware, Spring 2012
      (For this project, the student created a graphic novel script about the life of an Aztec boy and cultural transitioning.)
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • The impact of social media on the newsroom 
      By Melissa Butz, Fall 2012

    • Out of the Box: An Attitudinal Analysis of The Perception of Homosexual Characters on Television *
      By James Triplett, Spring 2012

    • The Green-Eyed Monster: The Ethical Repercussions of the Greenwashing Phenomenon on the American Consumer *By Kristina Conant, Spring 2010

    • Idioms and Impressions: A Pragmatic and Interdisciplinary Study
      By Carlos Balhana, Spring 2005

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • *
      By Brooke Doss, Spring 2016

    • The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, and Brave: An Analysis of the Most Recent Disney Films and the Changing Characterization of the Princess Archetype
      By Jena Stephens, Spring 2013

    • Development in Dance: A Critical Analysis of the Use of Public Relations in Nonprofit Organizations *
      By Lauren Banks, Fall 2008

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Strategic plan for social media for Public Broadcasting Atlanta鈥檚 American Graduate ATL Program *
      By Bianca Anderson, Summer 2016

    • A Content Analysis of Teen Vogue Advertisements Within Years

    • 2005 and 2015: Analysis of Female Models in Regard to Body Image, Face-ism, and Other Factors in Media鈥檚 Portrayal of Young Women Over the Past Decade of Advertising
      By Kim Cox, Summer 2016

    • By Claire Bohrer, Spring 2016

    • By Elizabeth Melendez, Spring 2016

    • On Homelessness and Face: Advancing Face-Negotiation Research Through Subculture Study *By Christopher Campbell, Fall 2009

    • Raising Funds and Increasing Membership in Religious Organizations: Analysis of Mercy Ministries of America, Boys Town, The Salvation Army, Jim Jones, and the Branch Davidians Using Fantasy Theme Analysis Methodology *
      By Liza Scales, Fall 2006

    • A Revision and Extension of the Grunig Models: New Characteristics for Public Relations
      By Danielle Swanson, Spring 2006

    Service Learning Project

    • [No Title]
      By Rebecca Duvall, Fall 2015
      (The student worked alongside the 黑料网 Interfraternity Council as a consultant.)


    • Does Perception of Media to Do What Is Right Vary by Generation?: Evaluating Confidence in Media Based on Age
      By Holly Deal, Spring 2015 
      (This project involved applying a secondary perspective to existing data.)
  • Original Research Project

    • The Application of Cold Cases to the Student Learning Process *
      By Richard Schneider, Summer 2009
      [This project involved a service learning project by developing a threshold assessment for a cold case for the Cobb County Police Department. It also involved original research by writing a paper on how cold cases are taught to students.]

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • A Comparison between Student and Police Officer Responses to Embracing Community Policing: A Case Study of the Kennesaw State Police Department * By Janie Laurie, Fall 2014

    Service Learning Project

    • The Application of Cold Cases to the Student Learning Process *
      By Richard Schneider, Summer 2009
      [This project involved a service learning project by developing a threshold assessment for a cold case for the Cobb County Police Department. It also involved original research by writing a paper on how cold cases are taught to students.]

    • Sources of Stress and the Impacts on  Local Law Enforcement *
      By Jennifer-michelle Nelson, Spring 2004
      [This project involved  meeting with public administrators and officers regarding police stress and the development of a mini-course for police officers on how to manage stress.]
  • Original Research Project

    • Exclusion from the American Ideal of Self: Namelessness, Invisibility, and Identity in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man
      By Beth Doriscar, Fall 2015

    • Linguistic Constructions of Gamer Identity *
      By Megan Golinski, Spring 2012

    • 鈥淭hese Fragments I Have Shored against My Ruins": Biblical Fragmentation in T.S. Eliot鈥檚 WorksBy Mallory Harris, Spring 2012

    • Pronominal Usage in Spam Emails: A Corpus-Based Study of the Rhetorical Function of Scams and Advertisements *
      By Dhanashree Thorat, Spring 2010

    • The Action of Grace in Territory Held by the Devil: Flannery O鈥機onnor and Cormac McCarthy *By Scott Singleton, Spring 2009

    • When the Reel Rocks: Popular Music in Film Since 1955
      By Sean Zearfoss, Spring 2009

    • Choice and Commodification: Adultery and Infidelity in Troilus and Criseyde and Lancelot, The Knight of the Cart *By Andrea L. Etheridge, Spring 2000 

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Beyond the Hills: Thomas Wolfe and the Train as a Mobile Symbol
      By Kaitlyn Moyers, Spring 2015

    • Stoker of Wilde Flames: A Detailed Analysis of Comparable Contemporaries *
      By Emily Winslette, Spring 2012

    • Universal Gender Games: The Rise and Demise of Horror鈥檚 Feminized Female Protagonists *
      By Chris Obenschain, Spring 2007

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Math as Text, Rhetoric as Reason: Can the Humanities Save Math Education? 
      By Elizabeth Melendez, Spring 2016

    • Hearing Nature鈥檚 Voice: Ecofeminist Partnership Theory in Literature and Film *
      By Kathleen Osborne, Fall 2014

    • Representation and Correction: The Heroic 19th Century Slave and the 20th Century Response *By Dyan Nunez, Summer 2004

    • Enlightened Observations: A Gender Study of late Eighteenth-Century British Travelers in France
      By Patricia Chapman, Spring 2004

    • Personal Enrichment and Professional Development of Previous Peer Tutors From the 黑料网 Writing Center *
      By Margie Hendrix, Spring 2003

    Original Creative Work

    • The JJIE Virtual World Journalism Project: Experimenting with Virtual Worlds as an Emerging Journalism Platform
      By Claire Bohrer, Spring 2016

    • [No Title]
      By Katherine Karppala, Spring 2010
      For this project the student interviewed ten senior citizens, created a photo essay, and composed a poem from each individual's photo.)

    • American Psychic *By Helen Herbst, Summer 2008

    • Time and Space鈥攁nd how I Found Both *
      By Tabatha Wahlquist, Fall 2007

    • With One Eye Squinted
      By Julie Land, Spring 2007

     Service Learning Project

    • A Service Learning Capstone Experience
      By Stacie Janecki, Spring 2002

    See also:

    • Our Sublime Vampires: The Unrepresentable Presented in Literature *
      By Jesse Cole, Spring 2010, Original Research Project
  • Original Synthesis of Research

    • The Catcher in the Rye / Teen Angst Unit Plan Rationale *By Floyd Seals, Fall 2008

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Incorporating Culturally Relevant Pedagogy to Teach Canonical Texts by Shakespeare and Other Dead White Males
      By Rachel Fletcher, Spring 2016

    • Guiding through American Literature: Connections Through Each Text *By Ashley Sherman (nee Boyd), Fall 2011

    • Relatively Gendered: A Study on Bilingualism and the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis *
      By Kristie Kannaley, Spring 2011
  • Original Research Project

    • Spatial Analysis of Cherokee County 2010 EMS Squads Based on Call Response Time and Population Density
      By Annette Fessel, Fall 2012
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • Subversion in the Confederacy: Unionists in Paulding County
      By Sean Griffith, Summer 2015

    • A Search for the Answers Within the Unpublished Diary of Ann Eliza Holmes*
      By Suzanne Peters, Spring 2013

    • Manipulation of Appearances: The Politics of Dress in the Protraits of Queen ELizabeth I of England, 1569-1603 *
      By Tyler Crafton, Spring 2009

    • Fables for Our Time: James Thurber in his Social/Historical Context *
      By Diane Curtis, Spring 2007

    • 鈥淗umbled Under the Flails of God鈥: Contemporary Theological Interpretations of the Black Death
      By Jamie Kiley, Spring 2007
    • 鈥淲hatever Happens To Us, Happens To Us Together鈥:  The History of the Canton Cotton Mills*
      By Michael Wagner, Spring 2007

    • Where Do You Stand when a House Is Not Your Home?: Finding a Place for Gypsies in the European Union
      By Amanda McGrew, Fall 2003

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Henry V and the grand 鈥榚nterprise鈥 of England *
      By Lindsay Williams, Fall 2014

    • Overcoming Supple Cato: Cato the Younger鈥檚 Transformation Throughout History*
      By Lindsey Cobb, Summer 2014

    • Mythology in the Present
      By Shavon Austin, Fall 2013

    • Territory and Sovereignty: The Connections and Conflicts Arising from Indigenous Land Rights and Self Determination *By Jonathan Edman, Spring 2009

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Bias and Humanitarianism In Africa: A Case Study in Chlid Soldiers *
      By Jaime daCosta, Fall 2008
  • Original Research Project

    • Interview Project
      By Thomas Lyon, Spring 2010

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Understanding the Value of Authentic Assessments: Traditional Verses Alternative  *
      By Jessica Manning (nee Carr), Spring 2009
  • Original Research Project

    • Elements of Change: Steps to US Intervention in Genocide
      By JoAnne Carter (nee Rosenburg), Fall 2006

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • The Birth and Death of European Jewish Dialects
      By Elizabeth Jabaley, Summer 2005

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • The Effects of National Culture on Workplace Culture
      By Elizabeth Sorby, Fall 2015

    • Marx, Rousseau, and the Political Economy of Alienation *
      By Plamen Mavrov, Spring 2014

    • Evolution of Political Culture in Venezuela: The Acceptance of Compromise in Democracy *
      By Jorge A. Abudei, Fall 2009

    • Eminent Domain: An Examination of Kelo v. City of New London and Legislative action as a result of Kelo
      By Holly Piper, Fall 2007

    • Paradox found, De Tocqueville long forgotten? A case study analysis explaining women鈥檚 political participation *
      By Sarah Terry, Fall 2007

    No Classification

    • Green Accounting A Better Economic Measurement for the World **
      By Lingzi Yue, Spring 2011

    • Concentration of Wealth:  Pearl Farming as a Real Development Strategy in the Americas **
      By Jason Berman, Spring 2010
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • Constructing a Personal Identity: Examining the influence of society, storytelling, and language on identity construction in post-immigrant women through a review of novels written by Bharati Mukherjee, L锚 Th峄 Di峄卪 Th煤y, and Julia Alvarez *
      By Rachel Lopez, Spring 2014

    • The Quest for Identity in a Culturally Mixed Utopian Society *
      By Tammy Hauck, Summer 2008

    • An Expos茅: Barriers to Health Care for Atlanta鈥檚 Latino Community *
      By Nancy Delisle-Brown, Spring 2004

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Factors Which Affect the Presentation of 鈥淟a Guerra Sucia鈥 in Adult Fiction
      By Brittany Duque, Fall 2005

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • General Motors and Hitler鈥檚 Wehrmacht*
      By Jonathan Henry, Fall 2014

    • Regional Identity: France鈥檚 Savoie region, Past and Present *
      By William Joshua Millican, Fall 2011

    • The Nature of Education and the Education of Nature: Reflections on cross-cultural geography research from a foreign language student *By Katherine Elizabeth Bundy, Spring 2010


  • See also:

    • Our Sublime Vampires: The Unrepresentable Presented in Literature *
      By Jesse Cole, Spring 2010
  • Original Research Project

    • The Supreme Court and the Fourth Amendment: The Application of the Private Search Doctrine and the Conflict Created in the United States Courts of Appeal 
      By Emily Edwards, Summer 2016

    • Previewing the 2012 Election: Who will be the Next U.S. President? *
      By Melanie Smith, Fall 2011

    • The Future of East Asian Security *
      By Noah Solomon, Spring 2011

    • Manipulation of Appearances: The Politics of Dress in the Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I of England, 1569-1603 *By Tyler Crafton, Spring 2009

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Does Attitude Matter? The Effects of National Attitudes Toward Women on Women's Economic Rights
      By Carley Cole, Spring 2016

    • An Exploration of Alcohol as a Public Health and Policy Problem in Europe *By Jeremy Hudak, Spring 2016

    • Is the American University System Ready to be Color-Blind?
      By Tracey Houser, Spring 2011

    • An Analysis of Democracy as an Institution in Light of Friedrich Nietzsche*
      By Adam Strotman, Spring 2011

    • The View: Native-born Americans鈥 Sentiments about Immigrants
      By Ruth Ekane, Spring 2008
    • The Filibuster and Federal Judicial Nominations
      By Jafar Ware, Summer 2007

    Existing Research to a New Context

    • E-Verify and Enforcement: The Missing Element in State Mandates *
      By Gillian Griffin, Spring 2014

    • Understanding Allan Bloom and The Closing of the American Mind *
      By Chris Jackson, Summer 2012
  • Original Research Project

    • Gender Differences in Mate Retention Tactics on Social Media *
      By Christina Moffitt, Spring 2016
    • How Does Weight Influence Perceptions of Personality and Attractiveness *
      By Samantha Mitchell, Spring 2016

    • An Analysis of Male vs. Female Juror鈥檚 Attitudes and Decision-making in a Rape Case: The Influence of Legal Definitions and Rape Myth Beliefs *By Victoria Meier, Fall 2015

    • Relational Influences on Bystander Intervention Behavior
      By Cheyanne Sotelo, Fall 2015

    • Student Alcohol Consumption: Parental Drinking Problems versus Students in Greek Life *
      By Jessica Dean, Spring 2015

    • Sex Differences in Undergraduate Peer Judgments of Stuttering
      By Victoria Sowell, Spring 2015

    • The Relationship Between Auditory and Visual Encoders: An EEG Approach to Synchronized Tapping *
      By Kyle Biron, Spring 2015

    • Jealousy and Mate Retention *
      By Holly Marecheau, Spring 2015

    • Understanding LGB Vulnerability: A Quest for Wholeness
      By Kenda Ruck, Fall 2014

    • The Effects of an Expressive Writing Technique on Several Measures of Stress
      By Madison Hanscom, Spring 2014

    • 鈥淛ust Friends鈥: Perceptions and Influences of Cross-Gender Friendships *By Alyssa Varhol, Fall 2013

    • Dance Program Facilitates Improvement of Internalization for Children with Special Needs
      By Bria Cantrell, Summer 2013

    • Attitudes Toward Monsters
      By Jonathan Gaber, Spring 2012

    • Perceptions of Depression in a College Setting
      By Amanda Daniel, Fall 2011

    • Empathy and Gaze Fixation: An Eye Tracking and EEG Study
      By Craig Spandau, Fall 2011

    • Adult Sexual Promiscuity and Perceptions of Three Dimensions of Parenting Practices *
      By Sarah Winograd, Summer 2011

    • Correlation of Motion Extrapolation and Symbolic Numerosity *
      By William Brixius, Spring 2011

    • Hispanic Elders, Dementia and Alzheimer鈥檚 Services in Cobb County
      By Maria Chung, Spring 2011

    • Does Acculturation Affect Perceptions of Beauty Among Chinese Women Who are Exchange Students in the United States?
      By Carly Staley, Fall 2010

    • College Students鈥 Attitudes Toward Religion, Cognitive Complexity, and Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbians *
      By Jessica Hobbs, Spring 2009

    • Emotional Intelligence Among Children in a Residential Program in S茫o Paulo
      By Jonathan Hawkins, Fall 2008

    • Effects of the Breast Cancer Self-Examination Glove on Tactile Sensitivity: Improving the Breast Self-Examination *
      By Elaine McMahon, Fall 2007

    • Effects of Food Stimuli on Arousal in Restrained and Unrestrained Individuals *
      By Jeanine Leary, Summer 2007

    • Tanning Predictors, Risk, and Self-Concept of Adults in a Southern Suburban Community *
      By Philip Eberhard, Spring 2007

    • Relationship of Family Origin and Body Mass Index
      By Heather Lemoine, Spring 2007

    • ADHD in Children: An Investigation of ADHD Prevalence in a Pediatrics Practice
      By Stephanie Pospishil, Spring 2007

    • Are Boys And Girls Equal In The Eyes of Chinese Education Majors?
      By Monika Stojek, Spring 2006

    • The Effects of Parental Bonding and Personality on Relationship Satisfaction *
      By Laura Mayhew,Fall 2005

    • Self鈥擡fficacy and Motherhood: A Comparison of Single and Married Mothers *
      By Marzena Holly, Summer 2005

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Narcissism: Etiology, Past Treatments, and Proposed Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy *
      By Andrew Gibson, Spring 2009

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Childhood Abuse and Interpersonal Problems: Mediation Analysis of Self-Defeating Beliefs and Alcohol Consumption *
      By Jacob Allen, Fall 2014

    • Personality Factors and Whistle-blowing in Undergraduate Cheating Situations
      By Adrienne Achille, Spring 2014

    • Social Identity and Religion in Northern Ireland
      By Sarah Paris, Spring 2014

    • The Impact of Supplement Instruction on College Retention *By Ya-Xuan Bailey Zhang, Fall 2013

    • Understanding Success Factors in Traditional and Nontraditional Students *
      By Alonzo Whyte, Summer 2009

    • The Effect of Gender and Maternal Depression on Parental Discipline Style: Differences between Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures
      By Cynthia Coulange, Spring 2008

    • Media and Personality Effects on Body Satisfaction and Mood
      By Chadni Patel, Spring 2006

    • The Impact of Economic Strain on Adolescent Self-Esteem and Subsequent Problem Behavior
      By Maggie R. Hosmer, Fall 2005

    • Recognition of Word Lists and Additional Stimuli: A Test of the Distinctiveness Heuristic *
      By Matt Gailliot, Spring 2003

    Service Learning Project

    • Black Hair Care & the Microaggressions with it in the Workplace *
      By Krystal Bailey, Spring 2016
      For this project, Krystal Bailey created a 20-minute video and tabling event based on her research on African American hair and how it is perceived in the workplace.

    • Recruiting Camp Counselors for the Muscular Dystrophy Association鈥檚 Summer Camp: A Service Learning Project Reflection *By Kaitlyn Thompson, Spring 2015

    • Student Empowerment and Philanthropic Action from a Study Abroad Experience
      By Kizmat Tention, Spring 2014(This project involved organizing a fundraiser to purchase a refrigerator for a Peruvian nonprofit organization.)

    No Classification

    A Study of the Personality Traits of Greek and Non-Greek Students ** 
    By Jennie Lambert, Spring 2014

  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • Aspects of Prescription Drug Abuse Among Ages 18 and Older
      By John A. Mays, Jr., Fall 2007

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Ethnic restaurants:  Differences in location and business strategies of Asian and Hispanic entrepreneurs in Cobb County Georgia *
      By Richard Anke, Summer 2002

    Service Learning Project

    • [No Title] *
      By Rosalyn-Sue Smith, Summer 2004
      (For this project, the student created a manual of information about Middle Eastern culture and customs, to be distributed to U.S. soldiers overseas. Rosalyn also made a board game that incorporates aspects of Middle Eastern culture for the soldiers.)
  • No Classification

    • The Impact of Television on the Evolution of the Gay Rights Movement **
      By Shannon Hames, Summer 2014

    • Where Lies the Difference: Comparing Chinese and English Business Writings **By Yingdongjin Fang, Spring 2014

    • How Mass Media Influence Popular Culture: An Analysis of the "Linsanity" Phenomenon **
      By Xingze Dong, Spring 2013

    • Graphic Design and Its Principles **
      By Yuan Yuan, Spring 2013

    • Arguing for Industry Specific Content Strategy **
      By Nathan Atkins, Fall 2012
      Film Poster Typography Design in the United States and in China **
      By Ruo Ma, Fall 2012

    • The Relationship between English Writing and Chinese ESL Students **
      By Yiwen Zhao, Fall 2012

    • Fidelity in Adaptation: A Look at Versions of "The Journey to the West" by Wu Cheng En **
      By Dawei Ming, Summer 2012

    • How Public Speaking Influences Non-Native Speakers in their Careers **
      By Xiaolei Chen, Spring 2012

    • How to Create an Effective Instructional Design**
      By Zheyu Fang, Spring 2012

    • The Effect of Social Media on Students' Experiences in American College Classrooms **
      By Chi Li, Spring 2012

    • What's the Impact of Social Media on Journalism **
      By Aomei Ma, Spring 2012

    • The Application of Instructional Design Models in Public Management **
      By Xin Tong, Spring 2012

    • Chinese Culture and American Ethnocentric Assumptions & Ethnorelative Adaptations **
      By Chunlan Xu, Spring 2012

    • Branding Strategies of the Coca-Cola Company in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games**
      By Chao Zhang, Spring 2012

    • Web-Based Interactive Typography Design**
      By Yexi Zhang, Spring 2012

    • How do Chinese and American Web Designers Use Color to Influence Audience in the Context of Color Theories **
      By Xu Zhao, Spring 2012

    • Popular Chinese Chatting Software Design - QQ The effect of User Interface Design **
      By Yueying Zhang, Fall 2011

    • American Media Are Influencing China- The Effect of International Communication **
      By Juntong Guo, Spring 2011

    • Facebook Changes our Faces? --Private vs. Public in the Social Networking Age **
      By Yang Jiao, Spring 2011

    • Moving Toward Instructional Design as a Technical Communicator: What is Missing? **
      By Wei Sun, Spring 2011

    • How to Design a Professional Page Layout **
      By Jing Lin, Fall 2010

    • Color Guidelines for Food Packaging Design **
      By Xiao Xiao Xia, Fall 2010

    • Find the "Middle Ground Between Eye Candy and Hardcore Usability"**
      By Yuxin Guo, Spring 2010

    • Six Rules to Improve the Graphic Design of the Portfolios for Technical and Professional Communications **
      By Xi Li, Spring 2010

    • How does News Reporting Change in New Media Journalism? **
      By Zhuowei Li, Spring 2010

    • What Skills Will Future Usability Professionals Need?**
      By Ruidi Tan, Fall 2009

    • Discovering Identity Through Portfolios **
      By Twila McConnell, Spring 2009

    • How Visual Rhetoric Can Effectively Improve the Design of a Professional Communicator's E-Portfolio **
      By Lina Piao, Spring 2009
    • Information Structure of E-Portfolio **
      By Yansha Tao, Spring 2009

    • The Benefits of 拢-Portfolios for Technical and Professional Communicators **
      By Huixue Zhao, Spring 2009

    • Guidelines for Creating a Portfolio and Using it for Employment Purposes **
      By Yina Li, Spring 2008

    • Visualizing the Process: Developing Professional Portfolios **
      By Qianying Liu, Spring 2008

    • Portfolio Design from Inception to Completion:  Research, Experience, and Application **
      By Tianyue Yang, Spring 2008

    • Lessons Learned: Developing a Technical and Professional Communication Portfolio **
      By Kathryn Creech, Fall 2006
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.

College of Science and Mathematics

  • Original Research Project

    • Short Interfering RNA (siRNA) Cargo Delivered via Cell-Penetrating Peptide *
      By Sydney Green, Spring 2016

    • Progress in the Synthesis of Piv-Sar-Sar-Sar-OEt
      By Jordan Bauer, Spring 2014

    • Various Moiety Fatty Acid Ligands in Human HNF4-伪 Binding and Folding Assays and Their Activity and Role in Diabetes *
      By Nathan Allen Stokes, Spring 2006

    • Synthesis of Conformationally Restrictive Mefloquine Derivatives *
      By Travis Albright, Spring 2002

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • Post-translational regulation of NOS by MK2/p38 *
      By Allan Johansen, Fall 2010

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Characterization of two isoforms of MAPKAP Kinase II: Comparing subcellular localization and binding *
      By Emily Rye, Spring 2012

    • Molecularly Imprinted Polymers*
      By Richard Newman, Fall 2008

    • The Effects of ACTH, Angiotensin II, and Forskolin on P-glycoprotein Production in Adrenocortical Cells*
      By Lyrics Curtis, Summer 2007

    • Understanding the Role of Metfomin on the AMPK (AMP-activated Protein Kinase) Pathway
      By Ana West, Fall 2006
  • Original Research Project

    • Evolution of the Expression of Sister Genes Lhx2 and Lhx9 *
      By Linda (Charley)  Bouwmans, Spring 2016

    • Feeding Location of the Eastern Mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Preying on Plankton Invertebrates *
      By Kyndal Hammontree, Spring 2016

    • Production of an Annotated Plastome and Initial Inquiry into the Nuclear Enzymatic Content of Cuscuta europaea
      By Joshua Henderson, Spring 2016

    • Attention Deficits: The Effects of Adderall on the Developing Nervous System
      By Chlo茅 Couvrette, Spring 2015

    • Host-Parasite Relationships Between Three Species of Cuscuta on Alfalfa and Arabidopsis
      By Ajeandra Garcia, Spring 2015

    • Effects of Urbanization on Darters and Sculpins and Potential Implications for Conservation
      By Kristina Haney, Spring 2015

    • Exploring the Role of fliI and fliJ Play in Flagellar Biogenesis in Helicobacter pylori *
      By Rachel Martini, Spring 2015

    • Development of Multiplex PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Virulence Factors in the Pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila *
      By Christine Anyango, Spring 2014

    • Venom and its Uses in the Medical Field*
      By Candace Lester, Spring 2014

    • The Role of JNK in Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity Regulation
      By Katherine Rhoades, Spring 2014
    • Quantification of bone development in Mississippi map turtle (Graptemys geographica kohni) hatchlings
      By Andrew Harner, Fall 2011

    • Distribution of Spirobranchus giganteus in relation to currents of several scales *
      By Patricia Keszler, Summer 2010

    • Aquatic Oxygen Uptake by the Spiny Soft shell Turtle, Apalone spinifera, during increases in temperature
      By Alan Herrera, Spring 2010

    • Detection of Chondroitin Lyase Activity in the Bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila *
      By Mariam Ali-Mucheru, Summer 2009

    • Factors and the Interrelationship among these Factors Influencing Periphyton Biomass
      By Ryan Stoner, Spring 2006

    • Mathematical Modeling of Bacterial Growth in Continuous Culture: Investigation of Changes in Glucose Concentration during the Continuous Culture of Escherichia coli
      By Pejman Farhang-Fallah, Spring 2003

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • An Assessment of Imidizolium Based Ionic Liquid Toxicity and Its Effects on Chlorophyll and Root Disruption in Phaseolus vulgaris *
      By  Abdel Sharkasi, Summer 2016

    • Mapkap Kinase 2 Regulation by Oxidation *
      By Dione Alethea Duc, Summer 2014

    • An Analysis of the Worldwide Seagrass Population Decline
      By Teresa Smith, Fall 2013

    • Examining the Role of the Veterinary Community on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) and their Potential Effects on Public Health *
      By Aaron Galton, Spring 2013

    • Decibel Exposure in College Students from iPods庐 *
      By Ramon Alarcon, Spring 2009

    • Sustainability: A Course Design and Justification for 黑料网
      By Robert Phillips, Spring 2007

    No Classification

    • Over Expression of N-cadherins in the MOCK Cell Line **
      By Ada Chiamaka Enemuo, Spring 2014

    • Meta-Analysis  of Biotic and Abiotic Factors that Influence the Home Ranges and Movement Pattern  of Fishes **
      By Cynthia Adeyeye, Fall 2011

    • To Determine the Cytoplasmic Protein that Interact with  the LIM Domain of Wilm's Tumor-11nteracting Protein**
      By Khan Kyaw, Fall 2006
  • Existing Research into a New Context

    • Anti-HIV activity of zinc based Diphenyldipyrazolylmethane complexes  *
      By Nikky Keer, Spring 2009

    • Gunshot Residue Detection Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to Identify Element, Shooting Distance, Elapsed Time and the effect of Handwashing *
      By  Susan Mungai, Fall 2006

    Service Learning Project

    • Forendex Database: An Innovative Analytical Tool for the Identification of Controlled Substances *
      By Natalie Thomas, Spring 2015 
      (This capstone project was completed in conjunction with an internship.)

    No Classification

    • Antifouling Coating: Cyclization of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)s and the Synthesis of Poly((3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)methylsiloxane) *
      By Erin Milner (nee Barthelme), Spring 2002

    • Analysis of Small Metabolites Released by Cells in Tissue Culture in Response to Inflammatory Stimuli **
      By Isaiah Gober, Spring 2012

    • Forensic Analysis of the Chemical Composition  of Trace Evidence from Fingerprints, Ups, and Other Skin Residues **
      By Joshua Gober, Spring 2012
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • Modeling Scavenging in Food Webs: Effects of Scavenger Position and Specialization on Carrion Stages
      By Daniel Gambrell, Spring 2013
  • Original Research Project

    • Total Domination on the Triangular Honeycomb Chessboard
      By Taylor Kindred, Fall 2013

    • A Statistical Investigation of the Writing Habits of Three 20th Century British Novelists *
      By Tais Barreto (Siqueira), Spring 2009

    • Performance and Comparison of Normality Tests for Small Samples
      By Rebecca Moore (nee Dunn), Spring 2008

    • A Study of the Type I and Type II Error Rates of a Test Based on Shannon鈥檚 Index of Species Diversity *
      By Kristina Corts, Summer 2006

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • On-Time Performance of US Airlines *
      By Saniita FaSenntao, Fall 2015
    • Inequalities *
      By Sarah Donovan, Spring 2007

    • Visualizing Combinatorial Proofs with Graph Theory
      By Joseph A. Tyson, May 2007

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • The Coupon Collector Problem
      By Michael Thomas, Spring 2014
    • Total Efficient Dominating Sets in Cayley Graphs
      By Keegan Gary, Spring 2012

    No Classification

    • Unimodality and Log Concavity in Permutations **
      By James deGrood, Spring 2012

    • Some Topics in the Theory of Partitions**
      By Peng Hu, Spring 2012

    • The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives- The Black-Scholes Model and Option Pricing **
      By Kai Yan, Spring 2012

    • KdV Equation, MKdV Equation and Their Darboux Transformations **
      By Shuai Zhang, Spring 2012

    • Mathematics of Bilbert Spaces in Quantum Mechanics **
      By Michael Bowles, Spring 2011

    • Mathematics of Financial Derivatives-Pricing Option **
      By Ying Xiong, Spring 2011

    • Bilinear Transformation of Soliton Equations **
      By Kun Hu, Spring 2010

    • Dynamical Systems in One Dimension **
      By Jacob Makaya, Fall 2008

    • Combinatorial Games and Gomoku **
      By Qian Qian Wang, Spring 2007

    • A Non-Mathematical Introduction to Fixed Points of the (n,3)-Josephus Permutations
      By Sarah Breede, Fall 2002
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.

    See also:

    • By Elizabeth Melendez, Spring 2016 (English & Professional Communications Major)
  • No Classification
    • Search for  the Rigidity Transition  in Lithium Oxide Silicate Glass Systems Using Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetery (MDSC) **
      By Jennifer Black, December 2010

Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology

  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • No Classification

    • Hydrologic Analysis for the Proposed School of Civil and Construction Engineering Building Site **
      By Christian Maiocco, Spring 2013
  • No Classification

    • Simplified Embedded Parallel Communication Structure **
      By Timothy Thomas, Spring 2007
    • Greenhouse Monitoring System Using VHDL and FPGA's: Core Module Design and Simulation **
      By Shari Holness, Spring 2013
    • Pervious Concrete Usage on 5.6 Acre Lot-Hydraulic Analysis **
      By Arturo Garcia, Spring 2011

    • Selection of Stormwater Drainage Methods for Bridge Replacement of GA State Route 31 Over Withlacoochee River **
      By Katie Bowar, Spring 2010

    • Sustainable Design for Service Stations RaceTrac Rebuild**
      By Valerie Thomas, Spring 2010
    • Finding, Detecting, and Recognizing a Face Using the Nao Robot **
      By Jonathan Gopel, Spring 2014
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • T
    By Taylor Jay Sisson, Spring 2016
    • SCOTSMAN Coffee Table Feasibility Study **
      By Jennifer Henry, Spring 2013

    • JET 4475 Senior Project Toy Chest Feasibility **
      By Charles Carscallen III, Fall 2012

    • Feasibility Study for Scotsman Company Product Line Extension **
      By Thuy Nguyen, Spring 2011

    • Feasibility Study for Scotsman Company Product Line Extension **
      By Katelyn Bridges, Fall 2010

    • Toy Chest Feasibility Study **
      By Shane Turner, Spring 2010

    • Feasibility Study for Scotsman Company Product Line Extension **
      By Jason Fleischmann, Fall 2009

    • Scotsman Company Feasibility Study**
      By Anthony Rajan, Summer 2009

    • Simulation: A fundamental Tool to Improve Business Needs **
      By Maria Villegas, Spring 2008
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
    • Analysis of Various Suspension and Wheel Components of a 1991 Isuzu Rodeo **
      By Ethan Formey, Spring 2012

    • Tire Retread Process Improvement **
      By Zhipeng Wang, Spring 2011

    • Machine Design Project **
      By Ruiting Zhao, Spring 2011

    • Design Second Generation Ankle Flexibility Tester**
      By Jie Zhou, Spring 2011

    • In Depth Material Selection on Design of Automated Parking Gate **
      By John Hancock, Fall 2010

    • RTS Cooling Load Calculation And eQUEST Simulation **
      By Ze Yu, Fall 2010
    • Design of an Automatic Volleyball Serving Machine and Volleyball Flight Trajectory Analysis **
      By Ryan Howell, Spring 2010

    • Design Enhancement of a Powered Ascender **
      By Zachary Hope, Fall 2009

    • Design of a Powered Rope Ascender **
      By Taylor Larkin, Summer 2009

    • Analysis of the Alpha Stirling Engine **
      By Shibing Liu, Summer 2009

    • Beam Loading Simulation and Testing Apparatus **
      By Andrea Moore, Summer 2007
    • Development of a Controller for a 3D Inverted Pendulum System **
      By James Bittner, Spring 2014

    • Parallel Robotics: An Analysis of Design, Control, and Its Implementation**
      By Luke Isler, Spring 2012

    • A Comparison of Serial and Parallel Robots with a Focus on Parallel Manipulator Kinematics **
      By Thomas Munday, Spring 2012
    • PID Controllet  Development for a Rotart Piezoelectric Actuated Syringe Pump **
      By Ethan Smith, Spring 2012

    • Modeling and Analysis of the First three Links of the Kawasaki ZZ13OL Industrial Robot **
      By Kyle Steele, Spring 2012

    • Development of an AC Induction Motor Controller for Positioning **
      By Blake Neal, Fall 2011

    • Development of a Graphical User Interface for a Ball and Plate System Using Matlab and Simulink **
      By Ronald Rodriguez, Spring 2011 
    • Their Effects on Student Learning
      By Mary N. Reynolds, Spring 2016

    No Classification

    • Build Your Own Car Web Applications **
      By Michael Hallock, Spring 2014
    • Layout Design in Fashion Magazines**
      By Shan Cao, Spring 2012
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  •  No capstone examples in this major at this time.
    • Cobb County-Marietta Water  Authority Pump Station  Maintenance Optimization Plan **
      By Pranita Saraswatula, Spring 2013
    • Cisco Router Network Emulation Using GNS3 **
      By Tianyi Li, Summer 2009
    • Atlanta Braves: Mix-Use Project "Innovative Aerial Lift System and Underground Storm Water Detention Facility" Smyrna, GA **
      By Rosa Santillian, Spring 2014

    • Mizell Prairie Environmental Education Enhancement Project: Swamp Experience **
      By Marian Alicea, Spring 2013

    • Improving the Safety of Clarks Bridge Road "Danger Around the Bend" **
      By Tyler Esson, Spring 2012

    • Project of Pedestrian Bridge Design **
      By Sai Jiang, Spring 2011

    • Municipal Application of Biological Nutrient Removal for Wastewater Treatment **
      By Matthew Osborn, Spring 2009

    • Recreation and Wei/ness Center Expansion Project **
      By Maria Augustina Arri-Mascarenhas, Fall 2008

    • Selection of Stormwater Detention & Grit Removal Methods for New SPSU Road **
      By J. Taylor Ingram, Summer 2008

    • Achieving Project Sustainability Through LEED Credits **
      By Nathan Griffith, Spring 2008

University College

  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.

WellStar College of Health and Human Services

  • Original research Project

    • The Inherit Risk of Injury with Youth Sport Specialization
      By Ashlyn Schwartz, Fall 2014

    Original Synthesis of Research

    • The Effectiveness of Resistance Training Versus Aerobic Exercise Training in Controlling Type II Diabetes Mellitus for Adults
      By Jasmine Lakhani, Fall 2014

    • The Role of Methylphenidate Hydrochloride in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder *
      By Sera Jones, Fall 2004

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Which Component of Health Related Fitness is Most Predictive of Insulin Sensitivity in Healthy, College Aged Subjects? 
      By Kristin Lauterbach, Spring 2016
    • The Association Between Physical Activity on Abdominal Fat Accumulation During Mid-pregnancy and Post-partum
      By JaBreia James, Spring 2016

    • A Rationale for the Induction of an Ice Skating into Kennesaw State Universities鈥 Elective Activity Course Curriculum
      By Brittney Bottoms, Spring 2004
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project

    • Does Parental Divorce Interfere with Establishing Personal Relationships? 
      By Rachel Alerte, Spring 2014

    • Hispanic Elders, Dementia and Alzheimer鈥檚 Services in Cobb County
    • By Maria Chung, Spring 2011

    • Needs and Services of Homeless Children:  Two Exploratory Studies*
    • By Patricia Burnside-Eaton, Spring 2002

    Original Synthesis of research

    • Resiliency Factors in Children and Adolescents *
      By Ansley McKenney, Fall 2007

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • What is the Relationship Between Spirituality and Recidivism among Incarcerated Adolescents? By Sandra Hayes, Fall 2015

    • Has Welfare Reform Improved the Lives of Women? *
      By Lisa Skelly, Summer 2005
  • Original Research Project

    • Long-Term Care Options *
      By Diane Keen, Fall 2008
      (This project involved a literature review of available resources in Atlanta that culminated in the design and distribution of an informational brochure).

    • Original Synthesis of Research
      Is Folic Acid more or less Effective than Folate in Decreasing Prostate Cancer Risk
      By Megan Becker, Summer 2015??

    • Acute Pain Relief: Factors that Affect Nurse Decision Making in Analgesic Administration *
      By Douglas Cox, Fall 2009

    • Effectively administering pain management to post-operative patients: Nursing perspectives and influences
      By Kerrie Beyer, Spring 2008

    Existing Research in a New Context

    • Physiological Manifestations and Self-Perceptions of Stress in Undergraduate Nursing Students Performing Clinical Skills *
      By Rachael A. Eister, Summer 2015

    • Hand Hygiene Knowledge, Practices, and Beliefs of 黑料网 Students
      By Amberly Brooks, Spring 2012

    • The Use of Alternative Medicine: Post Chemotherapy Nausea and Vomiting *
      By Emily Hand, Summer 2007

    • HIV Research and AIDS Care: A First-Hand Account From a Student Nurse
      By Dennis Flores, Fall 2006
      (This project involved delivering a lecture to students in the Philippines as well as a research component.)

    Service Learning Project

    • Stress and Stress Management for Nursing Students
      By Shannon O'Dell, Summer 2016
      For this project, Shannon O'Dell distributed a questionnaire to nursing students about their stress levels to identify areas where students needed to be more informed. She created a space on campus for students to destress and included in there brochures and information about destressing, as well as a feedback form on the success of the project.

    • Identification and Treatment of Sex Trafficking Victims for Nurses: A Service Learning Project  *By Emily Peoples, Fall 2014
      This project involved conducting research on identifying sex-trafficking victims, developing a one-hour lecture that was then delivered to a class of nurse practitioner students and administering a pre-test and post-test to evaluate effectiveness of instruction.

    • The Key Issues of Preventable Pediatric Illness and Injury *
      By Megan Middleton, Fall 2011

    • For this project, the student coordinated a children's health care fair at Kennesaw State University.

    • Capstone Product for Service Learning Project: Health Education and Outreach for Homeless Families and Families at Risk in the Metro Atlanta Area from a Student Nurse *
      By Casilda Pendergrass, Fall 2011
      (This project involved a partnership with Must Ministries to provide health education to homeless families through posters, brochures, and education sessions.

    • A Review of a Promotores de Salud Teaching Program *
      By  Courtney Thomas, Summer 2010
      This project involved providing a health screening for Latino and Brazilian community members and then teaching community health workers.

    • Navy Corpsmen to Nurse Education Proposal Document
      By James Hines, Fall 2006
      For this project, the student created a proposal for the Chief of Naval Operations for Navy Corpsman who wish to receive a Nursing Degree from an accredited university. The student conducted a literature review, designed and developed a survey, wrote a proposal and also wrote a reflective narrative.

    • Immigrant Outreach: Development and Implementation of Self-Managed, Health-Promoting Behavior Education for Guatemalan-Mayan Immigrants in North Metro Georgia *
      By Alyssa Fuell, Fall 2004

    • This project involved conducting a focus group to then identify and develop topics for a lecture series that was then conducted for the Mayan community in North-Metro Atlanta. The student also write a reflective journal throughout the process.

    See Also:

    • An Expos茅: Barriers to Health Care for Atlanta鈥檚 Latino Community *
      By Nancy Delisle-Brown, Spring 2004 (This student is a Modern Language & Culture major).
  • No capstone examples in this major at this time.
  • Original Research Project
    • An Examination of Major League Baseball鈥檚 Revenue
      By Thomas Tuten, Fall 2014