Scholarships for Naval ROTC Students

In order to attend 黑料网 on a Naval ROTC scholarship, you must successfully complete two separate and unrelated application processes: one for scholarship consideration and one for the university. Acceptance to the Naval ROTC program does not guarantee acceptance to its host college.

In order to apply for any of the Naval ROTC scholarship programs, you must fill out an online application below.

For more information regarding the NROTC scholarship programs, please visit the  .

  • In order to be considered eligible for Naval ROTC scholarship programs, the applicant must meet all of the following general criteria:

    • Must be United States Citizen.
    • Be 17 years old by September 1 of the first year of college and younger than 23 on June 30 of the year in which you are eligible for graduation and commissioned status. (An age waiver may be granted for prior active military service.)
    • Be a high school graduate or possess an equivalency certificate by Aug. 1 of the same year that entrance into the 4-year NROTC Program is anticipated.
    • Be physically qualified by .
    • Have no moral obligations or personal convictions that will prevent conscientious bearing of arms and supporting and defending of the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
    • 黑料网 for and gain admission to Naval ROTC colleges. Admission to a Naval ROTC institution is not required during the selection process. However, notification of admission must be received before the scholarship can be activated.
    • Achieve qualifying scores on the SAT or the ACT or the ASVAB for Marine Options
      • Navy option minimums: SAT Verbal 530, Math 520; ACT English 22, Math 22 Marine option minimums: SAT Verbal and Math combined score 1000; ACT English and Math combined score 45; AFQT 74

    Besides these official criteria, the student must be willing to commit themselves to a very difficult and challenging academic environment. Midshipmen must maintain high standards of moral behavior, academic performance, and physical fitness - to keep their scholarship. Students must strive to become beneficial members of the Naval ROTC Battalion of midshipmen.

  • A Naval ROTC scholarship covers the cost of all tuition, fees, and uniforms. Scholarship midshipmen are also paid a subsistence allowance that increases each year. Freshmen receive $250 every month, in two bi-weekly payments. Each successive year the allowance increases by $50, sophomores receiving $300, juniors $350, and seniors $400. Scholarship midshipmen also receive $375 each semester for book expenses.

    Cost of Attendance

Types of Scholarships

The limits of an NROTC scholarship depend on the type of scholarship awarded. Here is a quick overview of the various scholarships. The minimum payback is 5 years of active duty service.  Additional service obligation may be required based on specific job requirements (e.g. Aviation).

  • The basic scholarship, where the Navy pays full tuition, costs of textbooks, college fees, and $250 a month - with an unconstrained choice of Naval ROTC school and choice of study. While the 4-year Scholarship is designed for incoming freshmen students, current college students may apply with up to 30 hours college credit. To apply for the 4-year National Scholarship, contact your local NROTC Scholarship Coordinator and fill out the

    Students who have been awarded a 4-year NROTC scholarship and have been assigned to Georgia Tech, Georgia State University, or Kennesaw Sate University will be contacted via email by a Georgia Tech's scholarship officer in May.

    Cost of Attendance
  • A limited number of 2-year and 3-year NROTC Scholarships are available for students already attending a NROTC host school. The basic eligibility requirements are the same as those for the National 4-year Scholarship. However, your college academic record is the primary evaluation tool verse your high school grades. All eligible students attending a host university may apply. There is no requirement to have had previously participated in the college program or to have participated in any NROTC activities. Learn more on how to apply for the 2-year and 3-year Scholarships.
  • These are 4 and 2-year non-subsidized programs, with the Navy paying for uniforms, books, and instructional fees required for naval science courses. Between their junior and senior year, college program students can apply for advanced standing; if selected they will receive $250 a month for a maximum of 20 months for the 2-year program. The minimum payback is 3 years of active duty. To apply for the College Program, contact the KSU NROTC Office directly.

Scholarship benefits can be extended, on a limited basis, beyond the standard 4-year term - for major programs that take longer to complete. Extension of benefits beyond the original 4-year allotment requires an extension of the active duty commitment following graduation and commissioning. Application for extended benefits is made during the first semester of senior year.

National 2 Year and 3 Year Scholarships

A national scholarship selection board awards 2-year and 3-year NROTC scholarships competitively, each summer. Students do not need to be currently participating in the NROTC program in order to apply for 2-year and 3-year scholarships.

    • U.S. citizenship or naturalized citizen.
    • Not less than 17 years old by Sept. 1 of year the scholarship is effective and no more than 23 on December 31 of that year.
    • Must not have reached 27th birthday by December 31 of year in which graduation and commissioning are anticipated.
    • Applicants with prior military service may be eligible for age adjustments for amount of time equal to their prior service, on month-by-month basis, for maximum of 36 months, if they will not reach 30th birthday by December 31 of year in which graduation and commissioning are anticipated.
    • No moral obligations or personal convictions that prevent conscientious bearing of arms and supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic or to taking an oath to perform such acts.
    • Must meet Navy Body Composition Assessment (BCA) standards.
    • Must not have any body piercing or tattoos that violate Navy policy.
    • Active duty Navy applicants are ineligible to apply for NROTC program. Active members of other branches of the military may apply if granted a conditional release.
    • Must be within 2 or 3 years of estimated graduation/commissioning date.
    • Must have at least at least 30 semester hours but no more than 120 semester hours.
    • Must have a minimum college GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
    • Must be admitted to a school affiliated with the ROTC Unit from which they are being nominated.
    • Students may apply for only one of two programs options, Navy or Nurse (not open to Marine Option).
  • All completed scholarship applications must be submitted to the unit no later than May 31st each year and must contain the following documents:

    • Applicant Letter
    • Applicant Personal Data Record
    • NROTC AFA Score Sheet
    • Current College Transcripts (including Spring semester grades)
    • Letter of admittance (if not currently enrolled in the University you wish to attend)
    • Degree Plan (Semester by Semester plan including all NROTC classes that shows student will graduate at the end of 2/3 years as applicable.)
    • Statement of Understanding
    • Drug Statement
    • Debarment Statement
    • An essay that answers these questions: 鈥淲hat are your top 3 URL communities you wish to commission into and why? If not selected for one of these communities, would you accept your commission?鈥
    • Letters of Reference

    The documents listed above are available for download on the .

Completed scholarship applications can be sent to the NROTC Scholarship Officer at Georgia Tech by mail at the following address or via email at

ATTN: NROTC Scholarship Officer

Atlanta Region NROTC Unit
225 North Ave NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0125

You are encouraged to follow-up by contacting the NROTC office at Kennesaw State to verify that your completed package has been received. Do not assume your application is completed and has been submitted to the selection board unless you have been specifically told so by the scholarship officer. Once an application package has been reviewed the unit may schedule an in-person interview with one of the active duty staff members. All interviews must be completed before June 30th in order for the applicant to be considered.

The scholarship selection board meets in July and applicants will know the results of the board by early August.