Accommodation and Service Resources

Academic Accommodations are available to students with disabilities who are registered with our office, consistent with requirements from the . To register, please see the Getting Started tab to complete the intake form and submit appropriate documentation. Below you will find resources for examples of some accommodations offered at 黑料网.  


Services and Resources

  • Academic Coaching is a service that is available to any student registered with Student Disability Services (SDS). Academic coaching is a collaborative partnership between the student and a member of the SDS team that works to bring awareness to what it takes for students to achieve academic success.   

    Throughout the coaching process, students are given a space to explore academic challenges and strategies to combat those challenges. Coaching most commonly helps students assess their skills in areas such as:

    • Time Management
    • Procrastination  
    • Test Preparation
    • Note Taking Skills
    • Self-Motivation

    Academic coaching is an opportunity for students to participate in academic support that incorporates encouragement, feedback, and accountability. Interested students can meet with an academic coach that can assist the student in creating academic goals and action steps to help reach those goals.  

    If you are registered with Student Disability Services and would like to schedule an Academic Coaching appointment, please visit the to reserve a spot. Please note, your appointment may be canceled if you are not registered with SDS.  

    For more information about academic coaching, please contact us at 470-578-2666 or send an email to

  • Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) is an initiative of the University System of Georgia and is committed to removing barriers and providing access to knowledge for individuals with learning, physical, sensory, and print-related disabilities. CIDI partners with the educational institution and acts as a conduit through which the institution provides textbooks in a variety of alternative formats.

    • The student is responsible for identifying and registering for classes as soon as possible. Once the class has been selected, the student is responsible for obtaining the required reading list, purchasing the texts and providing that information by email to  

    What is Alternate Text?
    Students who have specific learning disabilities, visual disabilities, or other disabilities that interfere with access to standard printed materials may qualify for the accommodation of alternate format text (alt-text) as an auxiliary aid to provide access to printed course materials. Alternate format text means that printed materials are provided in a format other than the standard print format. Alternate text may include:

    Electronic text (e-text) in pdf or doc format
    Large print text

  • Assistive Technology (AT) has become one of the most helpful tools for students with disabilities in higher education. SDS is available to help find the right technology resources to help students registered with our department at 黑料网. Students who have been approved for note taking accommodations may email to get set up with one of the following:

    • Glean is a web-based note taking system that allows you to record classes, add notes, add slides, transcribe audio, and more.

    (Available to all KSU students in Microsoft Office 365)

    • OneNote is a digital note-taking app that provides a single place for keeping all your notes, research, plans, and information.

    (Available on a first-come-first-served basis)

    • The Livescribe smartpen captures everything that you write and everything that is spoken. Inside the pen is a camera that takes a picture of your notes as you write them. It also has a built-in microphone that lets you record what is being said.

    (Available to all KSU students)

    • Literacy support software

    Training is available upon request. Contact SDS via phone or email for information on how to set up an appointment. Please let us know if you need any assistance or accommodation while scheduling.

  • The purpose of this procedure is to define the application and guidelines of the priority registration accommodation for students with disabilities.

    Priority Registration is the ability to register for class on the first day of the registration period for the upcoming semester. The accommodation is provided to eligible students to assist in obtaining optimal, not ideal, class scheduling.

    Priority Registration is considered a reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities as illustrated by the following examples:

    a) Individuals with a mobility disorder which prevents them from getting from class to class in a timely fashion.

    b) Students with a chronic health condition who need to carefully schedule classes around medication schedules.

    c) Students undergoing periodic medical treatments (ex: chemotherapy, dialysis) which preclude class attendance at certain times or certain days.

    d) Class scheduling for students who receive testing accommodations.

    e) Early identification of classes for students who utilize alternative text, sign language interpreters, and/or real time remote captioning (C-Print.)

    Student Responsibilities 

    • Register with Student Disability Services (SDS) by following appropriate SDS procedures.
    • Meet with your academic advisor for academic advisement prior to the priority registration date.
    • Notify SDS in a timely manner before registration if seeking disability-related registration assistance.

    SDS Responsibilities 

    • Retrieve date of priority registration from the Registrar鈥檚 office.
    • Inform students of priority registration date one week prior to the actual date.
    • Assist student in registering for classes if they need assistance due to their disability.


    The accommodation of priority registration does not override any institutional or departmental policy such as, but not limited to, the need for academic advisement, the removal of holds.

    Personal conflicts, work conflicts, or personal preference without diagnosis impact are NOT acceptable criteria for applying for Priority Registration and will not be considered by SDS when establishing a student鈥檚 eligibility for this accommodation.

  • The following is a running list of additional resources that students, parents, and faculty might find of interest:

    For any questions or discrepancies, please e-mail

  • These informational pages and documents are designed to offer helpful information and suggestions to faculty as you work with students who have a specific disability and require accommodations. Please contact the Student Disability Services office if you need additional information or assistance.

  • All questions regarding Accessible Parking should be directed to 

    A state-issued Disabled Persons Parking license plate or placard must be displayed at all times in vehicles parked in any ADA accessible space. This state-issued placard is only valid in parking spaces that display ADA signage and markings. In the event that an ADA space is not available, a KSU parking permit is necessary to park on campus, unless the vehicle is parked in the Visitor lot and payment is submitted at the pay-per-plate station.

    Please see the  for accessible parking locations.

  • If you have concerns regarding food allergies or dietary restrictions, please reach out to University Dining by filling out their .

    If you are interested in being exempt from the KSU meal plan due to medical reasons, please fill out the . The "Medical Plan Exemption" option is located toward the bottom right of the page.

    University Dining Contact Information

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
    Phone:  470-578-2902 (Kennesaw Campus)
    Phone:  470-578-4975 (Marietta Campus)

    Office Address:
    540 Parliament Garden Way NW
    Kennesaw, GA 30144